Unique Textual Parallels

from the Oberlin Spalding Ms. 
and the Book of Mormon

Part 1: (Introduction and List)

Tabulation by Dale R. Broadhurst
From Data Compiled by
Bill A. Williams, jr.

Early in 1998, William A. Williams, jr., a computer programmer living in Bloomfield Hills, MI, began work on a series of textual computerization projects, several of which will be of interest to researchers of the "Solomon Spalding Authorship Theory" of the Book of Mormon. Among his several creations, Bill has constructed a Master Index of all words occurring in the KJV biblical books, the books of the KJV Apocrypha, Rev. William Whiston's annotated 1737 edition of the Works of Josephus, Ethan Smith's 1825 edition of View of the Hebrews, an e-text of Solomon Spalding's "Oberlin" Manuscript, and the 1830 Palmyra edition of the Book of Mormon.

The compiler of the e-text for the Spalding work is a friend of Bill's, Dale R. Broadhurst of Hilo, HI. Dale assembled the Spalding e-text from the 1885 and 1886 published editions of the Oberlin Ms., standardizing Spalding's inconsistent spelling and grammar and making certain other corrections to bring the work into conformity with the holograph on file in the Oberlin College Archives.

Bill and Dale's joint efforts have produced some useful resources for students of the Book of Mormon who might wish to compare its vocabulary to that found in the pre-1830 works sometimes cited as sources for textual parallels and borrowings. In the "Non-Biblical Book of Mormon Word List" tabulated below, non-biblical words occurring only in Spalding and the Book of Mormon have been placed in bold type. These 37 words are relatively unique to Spalding's Oberlin Ms. and the "Nephite Record." The contextual commonalities of the two works are examined in greater detail in Part 2: (Textual Parallels) and in Part 3: (Charts and Tabulation). Several examples of these parallels, viewed within their contexts in the Oberlin Spalding Ms. and the Book of Mormon,are available for viewing in Part 4: (Textual Samples) of this presentation.

The version of the "Non-Biblical Book of Mormon Word List" presented below has been cross-checked against the texts of the seven works whose vocabulary was included in Bill's original "Master Index." However, some errors may have crept into the listing and it is still being re-checked for accuracy. If you notice any mistakes or omissions please e-mail your comments to the site-master, or you may contact Mr. Williams or Mr. Broadhurst directly. (last updated June 15, 1998)

Non-Biblical Book of Mormon Word List  ( A-E )

  Word List KJV
Spld Ms.
V. of H.
B. of M.
001 abandoned0 0182
002 abhorrence0 1302
003 ABYSS0 0202
004 acquired0 12201
005 across0 1759
006 acted0 63113
007 address0 82351
008 adieu0 1301
009 admit0 79222
010 admitted0 56291
011 adopted0 7461
012 advantages0 56121
013 afforded0 81321
014 alliance0 9302
015 alteration0 7101
016 amount0 5233
017 animal0 183111
018 animals0 41785
019 anxiety0 51018
020 anxious0 11021
021 appears0 673481
022 appellation0 5201
023 apprised0 1201
024 around0 2686
025 arrested0 0111
026 arrive0 4578
027 assistance0 294549
028 astonishing0 2241
029 attack0 8713113
030 attacked0 62532
031 attempt1 12881012
032 attempted1 50433
033 attempting0 8121
034 attention1 914222
035 ATTITUDE0 0405
036 awful0 031447
037 baseness1 0201
038 beings0 7932
039 below1 8521
040 big0 4231
041 bleeding0 0411
042 bordering0 1124
043 brave0 192231
044 broke2 35815
045 brothers0 214310
046 BURTHEN0 0101
047 BURTHENS0 0101
048 capable0 28543
049 capital0 15172
050 carnage0 0515
051 cavity0 8215
052 ceremony0 0371
053 characters0 20871
054 charitable0 2111
055 checked0 0111
056 chiefs0 028111
057 civil0 352101
058 civilization0 06172
059 claim0 202510
060 CLASPED0 0102
061 class0 2951
062 classes0 3211
063 cleared0 10201
064 climate0 2111
065 collected1 263101
066 colors0 19601
067 commence0 23217
068 commenced0 15514
069 commencement0 21730
070 composed0 531111
071 condescension0 1101
072 confine0 3101
073 consequences0 9124
074 considerable0 675222
075 consisted0 9903
076 consisting0 3141
077 construct0 0224
078 construction0 18571
079 contains0 9262
080 converse0 12113
081 conversing0 6102
082 CRISIS0 0101
083 critical0 5202
084 CROSSING0 010 2
085 daggers0 9101
086 daring0 7811
087 DEFIANCE0 0203
088 delicious0 2401
089 demands1 5208
090 deposited0 10522
091 DEPRAVITY0 0101
092 descendants0 71397
093 descends0 1111
094 deserted0 56322
095 design0 87789
096 designs0 70377
097 different0 9120703
098 difficult0 36243
099 difficulty1 712124
100 digging0 1102
101 directions0 17313
102 disadvantages0 1101
103 DISPELLED0 010 1
105 distance1 9325193
106 distinguished1 164119
107 disturb1 10112
108 disturbed0 59321
109 does0 1781246
110 DORMANT0 010 1
111 DRAGGED 0 0101
112 dreary0 0132
113 dug0 23453
114 duration0 25122
115 effects1 391052
116 elegant0 7511
117 enable0 7203
118 ENCIRCLE 0 0205
119 ENCIRCLED 0 01020
120 endeavored0 84101
121 ENERGIES0 0101
122 energy0 1114
123 enjoyment0 27311
124 entirely0 190121
125 erect1 16122
126 erecting0 3101
127 establishing0 2102
128 eternally0 0126
129 exactness1 10101
130 exclaim0 0124
131 exclaimed0 2631
132 exist0 0342
133 existence0 19183
134 expect2 693122
135 explain0 25144
136 explained0 17272
137 EXPLAINING0 0101
138 exquisite2 4122
139 extending0 1321

Non-Biblical Book of Mormon Word List  ( F-O )

  Word List KJV
Spld Ms.
V. of H.
B. of M.
140 fatigued 0001311
141 favor0 1433117
142 favored0 51015
143 favors0 43402
144 feelings0 0552
145 FEROCIOUS0 0206
146 fills0 1101
147 final0 12294
148 firmly1 28312
149 firmness0 14519
150 foreign2 581131
151 forever1 011098
152 formation0 2221
153 fortifications0 234210
154 fulfill2 2301
155 future0 9783410
156 game2 1165
157 generosity0 30411
158 genius0 2331
159 gives0 413423
160 GLUT0 0103
161 governed1 54244
162 grasp0 1304
163 gratified0 2101
164 guarded0 45223
165 guards0 1341030
166 GUSHING 0 0201
167 happiness0 7620530
168 hardening1 2101
169 havoc0 1301
170 helpless0 1401
171 HEMMED0 0101
172 history0 2188366
173 honorable2 331103
174 hopes3 177147
175 human0 5814243
176 immediate0 14492
177 immense0 47751
178 IMPEDED0 0101
179 importance0 7342
180 improve0 8421
181 indulge0 22112
182 industry0 0712
183 inexpressible0 3211
184 inflict0 47202
185 inflicting0 8111
186 information0 223181
187 informing0 11101
188 infused0 2101
189 injuries1 59141
190 innocence0 1121
191 inquire0 352615
192 insist0 4201
193 inspire0 2312
194 inspired1 4496
195 instructions1 9342
196 intention0 57514
197 intercourse0 58101
198 interest0 17771
199 intrigues0 3101
200 introduced0 37581
201 invitation0 16112
202 labor0 466053
203 laboring0 5106
204 labors0 535021
205 leads0 4135
206 level0 17132
207 limbs0 7405
208 LISTENED0 0101
209 main0 33342
210 manage0 12401
211 management0 46103
212 mangled2 1211
214 marching1 23309
215 mass1 1371
216 massacre1 0901
217 MASSACRED0 0201
218 meetings0 13241
219 merely0 3231
220 miraculous0 10274
221 miraculously1 2111
222 mockery2 2102
223 MONSTER0 0906
224 motion3 22111
225 movement0 1201
226 MOVEMENTS0 0701
227 murdered2 171628
228 nearly0 15171913
229 neighbor2 102211
230 neighbor's??? 0104
231 neighboring0 63112
232 numerous0 6722745
233 obliged0 119257
234 observance0 6121
235 observing0 16411
236 operate0 1151
236 opposite0 24622
238 opposition0 53254
239 orders0 116556
240 ornamented0 0633
241 other's0 22821

Non-Biblical Book of Mormon Word List  ( P-Z )

  Word List KJV
Spld Ms.
V. of H.
B. of M.
242 parallel0 221121
243 parent0 2103
244 partake0 264226
245 partaken0 4104
246 particle0 5221
247 period0 115419
248 persisted0 2101
249 placing0 5312
250 plan0 119242
251 PLANS0 05013
252 PLEASINGLY0 0101
253 plunder0 437412
254 plundering0 14127
255 plunged0 1531
256 popular1 4223
257 practice0 512122
258 preserving0 19108
259 preside0 2201
260 pretend1 52131
261 pretended0 94334
262 principle0 32131
263 privilege0 27515
264 privileges1 511210
265 proceedings0 184010
266 progress0 21544
267 property0 21739
268 proposed0 67511
269 prostrate0 3813
270 protect1 102010
271 protected0 8314
272 protector4 12102
273 provisions0 824337
274 PUFFING0 0101
275 pursuit0 33432
276 qualities0 2201
277 reader6 355101
278 reception0 17312
279 recollection0 1221
280 recommend0 4102
281 redoubled0 0111
282 reduce0 17121
283 reduced0 31352
284 regulate0 1101
286 reigns0 6114
287 related0 1491102
288 reluctance0 3101
289 reply0 23151
290 requires0 14511
291 resistance1 16421
292 resolution0 59501
293 respects0 721132
294 restoration0 12113519
295 retreat0 216513
296 retreated0 13203
297 returns0 10311
298 revolution0 9341
299 rights0 1611118
300 risk0 3421
301 sacred1 189136227
302 scene0 35177
303 selected0 53106
304 serious0 2147
305 severe2 56511
306 shewn0 22026
307 shouldst0 10109
308 SHRINK0 0106
309 smile2 0102
310 society0 65374
311 solid0 16242
312 spacious0 03110
313 spoke0 61021
314 SPURN0 0103
315 stained1 1133
316 stated0 01341
317 stationed0 0113
318 stations0 3411
320 stratagem0 37707
321 strewed1 1221
322 struggle0 11114
323 struggling0 2211
324 studied0 4122
325 subjects1 761734
326 subtlety0 5202
327 supplicate0 3102
328 supported0 34217
329 surrendered0 5322
330 surrounded0 208618
331 survive0 10101
332 swiftness2 3101
333 tendency0 1101
334 tending0 6201
335 terms0 36721
336 threatens0 0311
337 tight0 0117
338 tools0 8116
339 towards0 236254100
340 transpired0 0114
341 treat1 43431
342 treated1 77541
343 treaty0 2553
344 tremendous0 66143
345 TUMBLING0 0201
346 tyrant3 47211
347 undaunted0 4101
348 undertaken0 14144
349 unhappy3 17512
350 union0 8361
351 uniting0 2114
352 unpardonable0 1102
353 useful0 30342
354 vapor0 1103
355 vast0 1158401
356 victims0 2102
357 viewing0 0442
358 views0 11123
359 vigor0 3403
360 vital0 0112
361 watery2 0101
362 WAVING0 0101
363 whatever0 201101
364 wishes0 8511
365 wore1 12421
366 WORRIED0 0103
367 WRESTLING0 0201
368 wrongs1 0316
369 yourself0 3115

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