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Manuscript StoryHome
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Text Parallels

Pages 1 - 42
Spalding MS Pages 1 - 84

The following is a complete copy of the 1910 edition of Solomon Spalding's "Manuscript Story," published at the Millennial Star office, Liverpool, England: “Printed from a Verbatim Copy, made (expressly for this edition) from the Original, now in the possession of President James H. Fairchild, of Oberlin College, Ohio.”

I have provided two page numbering systems. Page numbers from the printed copy have been inserted in the text in brackets, e.g., [10]. Page numbers from Spalding's manuscript are preceded by an S, e.g., [S10].


For the last fifty years the "Manuscript Found" has been the staple stock in trade of almost every objector to the genuineness of the Book of Mormon. When every other imaginable theory and hypothesis were overthrown, this reputed romance was the unfailing refuge to which they fled. It could not be found, so their baseless assertions could not be disproved by an appeal to itself. But unfortunately for all such who make lies their refuge, this long lost treasure has, at last, most unexpectedly to all parties, been brought to light, and is now given to the world with all its inanities, absurbities and inaccuracies. After carefully perusing both books, we believe we can truthfully assert that there is not one sentence, one incident, or one proper name common to both, and that the oft boasted similarity in matter and nomenclature is utterly false. No two books could be more unlike; in fact Mr. Spaulding's "Manuscript Story" no more resembles the Book of Mormon than "Gulliver's Travels" is like the Gospel of St. Matthew.

The history of the discovery of the Manuscript can be told in a few words. D. P. Hurlbut, an apostate, the orginator of the fabrication that the Book of Mormon originated in Mr. Spaulding's tale, wrote a bitter assault on the Latter-day Saints in 1836, entitled "Mormonism Unveiled," which was published in the name of, and by E. D. Howe, of Painesville, Ohio. During the time Hurlbut was gathering material for this work, he obtained from the family of the then deceased clergyman [iv] the original of the "Manuscript Story," but discovering that it would, if published, prove fatal to his assumptions, he suppressed it: and from that time it was entirely lost sight of until about two years ago, when a Mr. L. L. Rice, residing at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, found it among a numerous collection of miscellaneous papers which he had received from Mr. Howe, the publisher of Hurlbut's "Mormonism Unveiled," when in 1839-40, he, with his partner, purchased from that gentleman the business, etc., of the Painesville Telegraph.

In 1884 President James H. Fairchild, of Oberlin College, Ohio, was paying a visit to Mr. Rice, and he suggested that the latter look through his numerous papers, in the hope of finding amongst them some antislavery documents of value. In his search he discovered a packet marked in pencil on the outside, "Manuscript Story -- Conneaut Creek," which, to their surprise, on perusal, proved to be the veritable, long-lost romance of Dr. Spaulding, to which so much undeserved importance had been ignorantly or maliciously given. After retaining the manuscript some time Mr. Rice presented it to Oberlin College, but before doing so, made an exact copy, with all its peculiarities of style, errors of grammar and orthography, alterations, erasures, etc., which copy he placed in our hands with the distinct understanding that it should be printed and published exactly as he had copied it.

We have endeavored to faithfully carry out our part of the agreement, and now present to the world this wishy-washy production, with all its peculiarites of spelling and grammar, whose only conceivable value is that it utterly dispels and demolishes a long existing error, and compels those who will not acknowledge the divinity of the Book of Mormon to seek in other directions plausible excuses for rejecting its truths.

Those portions of the work altered or erased by Mr. Spaulding have, in the following pages, been printed in italics and between brackets.




Near the west Bank of the Coneaught River there are the remains of an ancient fort. As I was walking and forming various conjectures respecting the character situation and numbers of those people who far exceeded the present race of Indians in works of art & inginuety I hapned to tread on a flat Stone. This was at a small distance from the fort: & it lay on the top of a small mound of Earth exactly horizontal -- The face of it had a singular appearance I discovered a number of characters which appeared to me to be letters -- but so much effaced by the ravages of time, that I could not read the inscription. With the assistance of a leaver I raised the Stone -- But you may easily conjecture my astonishment when I discovered that its ends and sides rested on Stones & that it was designed as a cover to an artificial cave. -- I found on examining that its Sides were lined with * * * built in a connical form with * * * down -- & that it was about [S2] eight feet deep -- Determined to investigate the design of this extraordinary work of antiquity -- I prepared myself with necessary requisites for that purpose and decended to the Bottom of the cave -- Observing one side to be perpendicular nearly three feet from the [2] bottom, I began to inspect that part with accuracy; Here I noticed a big flat Stone fixed in the form of a doar. I immediately tore it down & Lo a cavity within the wall presented itself -- it being about three feet in diameter from side to side and about two feet high. Within this cavity I found an earthan Box with a cover which shut it perfectly tite -- The Box was two feet in length one & half in breadth & one and three inches in diameter. My mind filled with awful sensations which crowded fast upon me would hardly permit my hands to remove this venerable deposit but curiosity soon gained the ascendancy & the box was taken & raised to open * * * When I had removed the cover I found that it contained twenty eight sheets of parchment. & that when * * * * * * [S3] appeared to be manuscripts written in an eligant hand with Roman Letters & in the Latin Language

They were written on a variety of Subjects. But the Roll which principally attracted my attention contained a history of the authors life & that part of America which extends along the great Lakes & the waters of the Missisippy.

Extracts of the most interesting and important matters contined in this Roll I take the liberty to publish -- --

[Gentle Reader tread lightly on the ashes of the venerable dead -- Thou must know that this country was once inhabited by great & powerful nations considerably civilized & skilled in the arts of war, and that on ground where thou now treadest many [an hard fou] a bloody [S4] Battle hath been faught -- & heroes by the thousand [have been] made to bite the dust.

In the history given of these nations by my Author you will find nothing but what will correspond with the natural sentiments we should form on viewing the innumerable remains of Antiquity which are scattered over an extensive Country. This is an evidence of the authors impartiality and veracity. But if any should pretend that the whole story is fictitious or fabulous.]

To publish a translation of every particular circumstance [3] mentioned by our author would produce a volume too expensive for the general class of readers. But should this attempt to throw off the vail which has secluded our view from the transactions of nations who, for ages have been extinct, meet the approbation of the public, I shall then be happy to gratify the more inquisitive & learned part of my readers by a more minute publication. Apprehensive that sceptical, illiberal or supersticious minds may censure this performance with great accrimony I have only to remark that they will be deprived of a great fund of entertainment which those [S5] of a contrary disposition will obtain. My compassion will be excited more than my resentment and there the contest will end.

Now Gentle Reader the Translator who wishes well to thy present & thy future existence entreats the to peruse this volume with a clear head a pure heart & a candid mind -- If thou shalt that thy head & thy heart are both improved it will afford him more satisfaction than the approbation of ten thousand who have received no benefit. -- --

[And now permit me to admonish thee that if thou shouldst reside in or travel thro' any part of the Country]


An Epitomy of the Authors life & of his arival in America

As it is possible that in some future age this part of the Earth will be inhabited by Europians & a history of its present inhabitants will be a valuable acquisition I propose to write one & deposit it in a box secured * * * * so that the ravages of time will have [S6] effect upon it. That you may know the Author I will give a [4] succint account of his life & of the cause of his arival -- which I have extracted from a manuscript which will be deposited with this history:

[My name was [is] Fabious] The family name I sustain is Fabius, being decended from the illustrius General of that name -- I was born at Rome and received my [tuition] education under the tuition of a very learned Master -- At the time that Constantine arived at that city & had overcome his enimies & was firmly seated on the throne of the Roman empire I was introduced to him as a young Gentleman [litera] genius & learning and as being worthy of the favourable notice of his imperial majisty -- He gave me the appointment of one of his Secritaries, and such were the gracious intimations which he frequently gave me of his high approbation of my conduct that I was happy in my stations. One day he says to me -- Fabius you must go to Brittain and carry an important * * * to the general of our army there * * * * [S7] sail in a vessel and return when she returns. Preparation was made instantly and we sailed -- The vessel laden with provisions for the army -- cloathing, knives and other impliments for their use had now arived near the coasts of Britan when a tremendous storm arose & drove us into the midst of the boundless Ocean. Soon the whole crew became lost & bewildered -- They knew not the direction to the rising Sun or polar Star -- for the heavens were covered with clouds: & darkness had spread her sable mantle over the face of the raging deep. Their minds were filled with consternation & dispair --[and unaimously agreed that] What could we do? How be extrecated from the insatiable jaws of a watry tomb. Then it was that we felt our absolute dependence on that Almighty & gracious Being who holds the winds and storms in his hands -- From him alone could we expect deliverance. To him our most fervent desires ascended -- prostrate & on [S8] bended nees we poured forth incessant supplications. & even Old Ocean appeared to sympathize in our distress by returning the [5] echo of our vociforos cries and lamentations. After being driven five days with incridable velocity before the furious wind, the storm abated in its violance -- but still the wind blew strong in the same direction -- Doubt whether the wind had not changed her point we gave the ship full sail & let her drive -- On the sixth day after, the storm wholly subsided, the sun rose clear & the heavens once more appeard to smile -- Inexpressible was the consternation of all the crew. they found themselves in the midst of a vast Ocean No prospect of returning -- all was lost -- The wind blowing westwardly & the presumption was that it had been blowing in that direction during the whole of the storm. No pen can paint the dolorious cries & lamentations of the poor mariners -- for the loss of friends for the loss of every thing they held most dear. At length a Mariner stept forward in [S9] the midst and proclaimed. Attend O friends & listen to my words -- A voice from on high hath penetrated my soul & the inspiration of the Almighty hath bid me proclaim -- Let your sails be wide spread and the gentle winds will soon waft you into a safe harbor -- A country where you will find hospitality. -- Quick as the lightnings flash joy sparkled in every countenance -- A Hymn of Thanksgiving spontaniously bust forth from their lips -- In full confidence that the divine prediction would be accomplished they extoled the loving-kindness and tender mercies of their God & promised, by the assistance of his grace to make ample returns of gratitude. On the fifth day after this we came in sight of Land -- we entered a spacious River -- & continued sailing up the same many leages until we came [S10] in view of a Town -- Every heart now palpitated with joy -- & loud shouts of gladness expressed the enthusiastic transports of our souls. We anchored within a small distance from shore -- Immediately the natives ran with apparent signs of surprise & astonishment, to the bank of the River -- After viewing us for some time, and receiving signs of Friendship -- they appeard to hold a counsel for a few a few [6] minutes -- Their King then stept forward to the edge of the bank -- & proffered us the hand of friendship -- & by significant gestures invited us to Land promising us protection & hospitality. We now found ourselves once more on terra firma -- & were conducted by the King & four cheifs into the town whilst the multitude followed after, shouting and performing many odd jesticulations -- The King ordered an entertainment to be prepared for his new friends which consisted of * * * * meat fish, boiled beans & samp * * * * * * * [S11] The whole was placed under a wide spreading Oak in wooden dishes -- A large clam shell & a stone Knife were provided for each one The King then came forward with about twenty of his principal subjects -- & seated us, (being twenty in number) by the side of our repast -- He and his company then took seats in front. After waving his hand & bowing all fell to eating and a more delicious repast we never enjoyed -- The repast being finished our attention was called to a collection of about One thousand men and women who had formed a ring and invited our company to come forward into the midst -- after gazing upon us for some time with surprize we were permitted to withdraw and to take our stand in the Ring -- About forty in number then walked into the midle of the Ring & began a song with such discordant and hedious modifications of sounds and such frantic jesticulations of body, that it seemed that chaos had bro't [S12] her furies to set the world in an uproar -- And an uproar it was in a short time for the whole company fell to shouting, & screaming, whooping, & screaming [at intervals] -- then dancing, jumping & tumbling with many indisdiscrible distortions in their countenance & indelicate jestures -- In fact they appeared more like a company of devils than human Beings. This lasted about one hour -- They then took their places in a circle & at a signal given gave three most tremendous whoops; they then instantly dispersed, playing many antike capers -- & making such a confused medly of sound by skreaming, whooping screaching like owls, [7] Barking like dogs & wolvs & croaking like Bull frogs, that my brains seemed to be turned topse turvy -- & for some time could scarce believe that they belonged to the human species.



An account of the settlement of the Ships Company [and many particulars respecting the natives]

As no alternative now remained, but either to make the desparate attempt to return across the wide boistrous ocean or to take up our residence in a country inhabited by savages & wild ferocious beasts we did not long hesitate. We held a solem treaty with the king & all the chiefs of his nation. -- They agreed to cede to us a tract of excellent Land on the north part of the town on which was six wigwams, & engaged perpetual amity & hospitality & the protection of our lives & property. -- In consideration of this grant we gave them fifty yards of scarlet cloth & fifty knives; with this present they were highly pleased. -- --

Arrangements must now be made for our settlement. Vessel & cargo had suffered no material damage, & by [S14] striping the vessel of its plank we could erect a house in which we could deposite the whole cargo safety -- All hands were immediatly employed some in procuring timber, which was hued on two sides & then locked together, some in procuring shingles & some in striping the vessel of its plank; & having a large quantity of nails on board, in ten days we finished a very convenient storehouse, sufficiently spacious to receive the whole cargo. We also built a [small] house adjoining which was to be the habitation of the Captain and myself -- Having [8] secured all our property we then found it necessary to establish some regulations for the government of our little society. -- The Captain whose name was Luian and myself were appointed judges in all matters of controversy & manages of the public property, to make bargains with [S15] the natives & barter such articles as we did not need for necessaries. -- As we all professed to believe in the religion of Jesus Christ we unanimously chose Trojanus the mate of the Ship, a pious good man, to be our minister. to lead our devotions morning & evening & on the Lords day. --

But now a most singular & delicate subject presented itself for consideration. Seven young women we had on board, as passengers, to visit certain friends they had in Britain -- Three of them were ladies of rank, and the rest were healthy bucksom Lasses. -- Whilst deliberarating on this subject a mariner arose whom we called droll Tom -- Hark ye shipmates says he, Whilst tossed on the foming billows what brave son of nepture had any more regard for a woman than a sturgeon, but now we are all safely anchored on Terra firma -- our sails furled & ship keeled up, I have a huge longing for some of those rosy dames -- But willing to take [S16] my chance with my shipmates -- I propose that they should make their choise of husbands. The plan was instantly adopted. As the choie fell on the young women they held a consultation on the subject, & in a short time made known the result -- Droll Tom was rewarded for his benevolent proposal with one of the most sprightly rosy dames in the company. -- Three other of the most cheerful resolute mariners were chosen by the other three buxhum Lasses -- The three young Ladies [of rank] fixed their choise on the Captain the mate & myself. [Happy indeed in my partner I had formed an high esteem for the excellent qualities of her mind] The young Lady who chose me for a partner was possessed of every attractive charm both of body & mind -- We united heart & hand with the fairest prospects of enjoying every delight & satisfaction which are [9] attendant on the connubial State. Thus ended the affair. [S17] You may well conceive our singular situation. The six poor fellows who were doomed to live in a state of Cebicy or accept of savage dames, discovered a little chagrine & anxeity -- However they consoled themselves with the idea of living in families where they could enjoy the company of the fair sex & be releived from the work which belongs to the department of Women. Our community might be said to be one family tho we lived in separate houses, situate near each other. The property was common stock -- what was produced by our labor was likewise to be common, all subject to the distribution of the judges who were to attend to each family & see that propper industry and econimy were practised by all. --

The Capt. & myself, attended with our fair Partners & two mariners repaired to a new habitation which consisted of [S18] two convenient apartments. After having partook of an elligant Dinner & drank a bottle of excellent wine our spirits were exhilerated & the deep gloom which beclouded our minds evaporated. The Capt. assuming his wonted chearfulness made the following address My sweet good soald fellows we have now commenced a new voige -- Not such as brot us over mountain billows to this butt end of the world -- No, no, our voyge is on dry land -- & now we must take care that we have sufficient ballast for the riging -- every hand on board this ship must clasp hands & condecend to each others humour, this will pro-good cheer and smooth the raging billows of life. Surrounded by innumerable hords of human beings, who resemble in manners the Ourang Outang -- let us keep aloof from them & not embark in the same matrimonial ship [with them] -- At the same time we will treat them with good cheer -- & inlighten their dark souls with good instruction -- By continuing a distinct people & preserving our customs manners, religion & arts and sciences another [S19] Italy will grow up in this wilderness & we shall be celebrated as the fathers [10] of a great & happy nation. -- May God bless your soul, says one of our mariners, what would you have us do who have had the woful luck not to get mates to cheer our poor souls & warm our bodies, methinks I could pick out a healthy plum Lass from the copper coulered tribe that by washing and scrubing her fore & aft & upon the labbord & stabbord sides she would become a wholsome bedfellow -- & I think may it please your honour I could gradually pump my notions into her head & make her a good shipmat for the cupboard & as good hearted a christian as any of your white damsels. -- & upon my soul -- I warrant you if we have children. by feeding them with good fare & keeping them clean they will be as plump & as fair & nearly as white as your honors children. -- Upon this I filled the bottle with wine & observing to honest Crito that he was at liberty to make the experiment if he could find a fair * * * * to his liking -- I then expressed the [S20] great pleasure I received from the addresses of the speakers. & drank success to the new voige -- All drank plentifully & the exhileration produced the greatest cheerfulness & hilarity. -- By this time the sun had hid his head below the horizon & darkness invited all the animal creation to sleep & rest. We retired two & two hand in hand -- Ladies heads little awri -- blushing like the morn & -- But I forgot to mention that our society passed a resolution to build a church in the midst of our village.


Many particulars respecting the Natives

Intrest as well as curiosity invited an acquaintance with our new neighbours -- They were called in their language Deliwares. They were tall -- bodies well [11] proportioned, strait limbs, complections of a brownish hue -- broad cheek bones, black wild roling eyes, -- & hair black & course. To strangers they were hospitable [S21] -- true to their engagements, ardent in their friendship, but to enemies implacable cruel & barbarous in the extreme. -- Innumerable hords of this discription of people were scattered over an extensive country, who gained their living by hunting the elk, the dear & a great variety of other wild animals -- by fishing & fowling & by raising corn, beans & squashes. -- Shooting the arrow slinging stones, wrestling, jumping, hoping & runing were their principal amusements -- & prizes would often be staked as a reward to the conqueror. -- Their cloathing consisted of skins dressed with the hair on -- but in warm weather, only the middle part of their bodies were incumbered with any covering -- The one half of the head of the men was shaved & painted with red -- & the one half of the face was painted with black. The head was adorned with feathers of various kinds -- & their ears & noses were ornimented with rings, formed from the sinues of certain animals, on which were suspended smooth stones of different coulars. Thus cloathed, thus painted, thus ornimented the Deliwares made a most terrefic appearance -- [S22] They held festivals at stated times, which varied in the manner of conducting them, according to the object they had in view -- At one of their annual festivals their cerimonies were peculiarly singular & different from any that were ever practised by any nation -- Here a description would give us some idea of their religion & would gratify the curiosity of an ingenious mind.

When the time arives -- which is in September, the whole tribe assemble -- They are dressed & ornimented in the higest fashion -- The women in particular have their garments & heads so adorned with feathers shells & wampum that they make a very brilliant & grotesque appearance. -- They form a circle -- their countinances are solemn. A Speaker mounts a stage in the midst. At [12] this moment two Black Dogs led by two Boys & two White Dogs led by two young damsels enter the circle and are tied together [S23] The Speaker then extended his hands & spoke Hail ye favorite children of the great & good Spirit, who resides in the Sun, who is the father of all living creatures & whose arms incircle us all around -- who defends us from the malicious designs of that great malignant Spirit that pours upon us all the evils we endure he gives us all our meat & our fish -- & causes the corn & the fruits to spring up & makes us to rejoice in his goodness. He hath prepared a delightful country to receive us -- if we are valiant in battle or are benevolent & good -- There we can pick all kinds of delicious fruit & have game & fish in abundance & our women being improved in beuty & sprighliness will cause our hearts to dance with delight -- But wo unto you wicked malicious, mischevous mortals -- your lot will be cast in a dark mirey swamp -- where the malignant Spirit will torment you with musquetoes & serpents & will give you nothing to eat but toads, frogs & snails. -- [S24] But O my dear friends -- all hail -- here is a custom which is sanctioned by time immemorial -- Look steadfastly on the black dogs & let not your eyes be turned away -- when they are thrown on the sacred pile & the flames are furiously consuming their bodies -- then let your earnest prayers assend for pardon & your transgressions will flee away like shadows & your sins will be carried by the smoke into the shadows of oblivion -- When this solemn expatory sacrifice is ended then prepare your souls to partake of the holy festival -- Each one will receive a precious morsel from these immaculate snow coulered Dogs in token that your offences have all evaporated in the smoke of the holy sacrifice, & that you are thankful to the benevolent Spirit for the abundance of good things that you enjoy -- & that you humbly anticipate the continuance of his blessings & that he will defend you against the evil designs of that malignant Spirit, who gives gawl & wormwood, & fills our bosoms with pain & our eyes with [13] tears. [S25] He then proclaimed, let the sacred pile be erected & the solemn sacrifice performed. Instantly about one hundred men came forward with small dry wood & bundles of dry sticks & having thrown them in one pile within the circle -- they sat the pile on fire -- The black dogs were knocked on the head & thrown on the top -- in a moment all was in a blaze & the flame assended in curls to heaven. The whole company assumed the most devout attitude & muttered in sounds almost inarticulate their humble confessions & ernest requests --

When the dogs were consumed & the fire nearly extinguished, the cerimonies of their sacred festival began -- the white dogs which were very plump & fat, were knocked on the head & their throats cut. Their hair was then singed off, having first their entrails taken out -- & being suspended by the nose before a hot fire they were soon roasted -- thrown upon a long Table & desected into as many pieces as there were persons to swallow them. The company immediately formed a procession, one rank of men, the other of women -- the men marching to the left & the women to the right of the Table each one took a piece & devoured it with as good a * * * * as if it had been the most delicious morsel. [S26] Having completed these sacred cerimonies with great solemnity -- the whole company formed themselves into a compact circle round the stage -- ten musitians immediately mounted & at once, the multitude on every side sang a song -- The tune & the musical voices of the singers pleased the ear, whilst the immagination was delighted with the poetic inginuety of the composition -- The multitude all joined in the chorus, with voices so loud & multifarious that the atmosphere quaked with terror -- & the neighboring hills [sent back] by way of mockery -- sent back the sound of their voices improved by tenfold confusions. Perhaps, reader, you have the curiosity to hear the song -- I can give you only the last stanzy & the chorus. -- --[14]

For us the sun emits his rais
The moon shines forth for our delight
The stars extol our heroes prais
And warriors flee before our fight.


Delawan to chakee poloo
Manegango farwah teloo
Chanepauh, lawango chapah
Quinebogan hamboo gowah.

The solemnities are ended & in their opinion their poor souls are compleatly whitewashed -- & every stain entirely effaced. A little diversion [S27] will now dissipate the solemnity & inspire them with cheerfulnes & merriment.

The whole tribe repair to the top of an hill, at one place their is a gradual slope a small distance & then it decends about twenty five feet in an almost perpendicular direction, at the bottom of which is a quagmire, which is about ten feet in length & the soft mud is about three feet deep -- at each end the ground is soft but not miry -- Down this declivity twenty pair of very suple & sprightly young men & women are to decend, If by their agility & dexterity they escape the quagmire -- a piece of wampum will be the reward of each fortunate champion -- but if they plunge in, their, their recompence will be the ridecule & laughter of the multitude.

In making this decent, six young women & five young men by a surprising dexterity in whirling their bodies as they decended cleared themselves from the quagmire -- The rest as their turns came plunged in & came out most wofully muded to the great diversion of the spectators. The incident which excited the most merriment hapned when the last party decended. by an unlucky spring to [S28] clear himself from the quagmire he bro't his body along side of the declevity & roled his whole length into the midst of the quagmire where he lay [his whole length in an horizontal position on his back] -- neither [15] heels up or head up, but horizontally -- soft & easy -- but alas when one unlucky event happens another follows close on the heels. -- the fair, [plump] corpulent Damsel, his affectionate sweetheart came instantly, sliding with great velocity -- She saw the woful position of her beloved -- She wished him no harm -- She raised her feet this bro't the center of gravity directly over the center of his head -- here she rested a moment -- his head sunk -- she sunk after him his heels kicked against the wind like Ieshuran waked fat -- but not a word from his lips -- but his ideas came in quick succession -- tho't he, what a disgrace to die here in the mud under the pressure of my sweet heart -- however his time for such reflections, were short -- the tender hearted maid collecting all her agility in one effort dismounted and found herself on dry land in an [S29] instant -- not a moment to be lost; she seized her lover by one leg & draged him from the mud -- a curious figure, extending about six feet six inches on the ground, -- all bismeared from head to foot, spiting, -- puffing, panting & strugling for breath -- Poor man, the whole multitude laughing at thy calamity, shouting, rediculing -- none to give thee consolation but thy loving & simpithetec partner [in misfortune -- Upon my soul, exclaims droll Tom -- stem fermost -- that bouncing Lass ought to have the highest prize for draging her ship from the mud] -- She was cleaning the filth from his face.


A journey to the N W. & [removal.]

Gracious God! how deplorable our situation! are we doomed to dwell among hords of savages -- & be deprived of all social intercourse with friends & the civilized world? & what will be the situation of our offspring? will they preserve our customs & manners, cultivate the arts & sciences & maintain our holy religion or [rather] [16] will they not rather degenerate into savages & by mingling with them become the most * * * * * race of beings in existence -- [S30] Who can endure such reflections, such heart-rending anticipations? -- they pour upon my soul like a flood and bear me down with the weight of a milstone. O that my head were waters & my eyes a fountain of tears -- then my intolerable burthen should be poured forth in a torrent & my soul set at liberty. But behold the light springs up & beams upon my soul. She brings in her train Hope -- that celestial Godes, that sure & strong anchor -- that dispencer of comfort & pleasing anticipation -- & that dispeller of coroding grief & black dispair -- She bids me review the exploded reasning of a great philosopher & compair it with my own observations -- perhaps the result will point out a safe road to the land of our nativity.

Thus I reasoned respecting the solar system, of which the earth is a part. Provided the earth is stationary, according to the present system of philosophy -- then the sun, the moon & the plannets, being at an immense distance from the earth -- must perform their revolutions round her with inceivable velocity -- whereas, if according to the Platonic system, the earth is a globe -- & the sun is stationary then the earth by a moderate velocity can [S31] perform her revolutions -- This scheme will represent the solar system as displaying the transcendent wisdom of its almighty Architect -- for in this, we behold the Sun suspended by omnipotence & all the planents moving round him as their common center in exact order & harmony -- In this we can easily account for days & nights & the different seasons of the year, -- When the earth presents one part of her face to the sun it is day -- When that part is turned from his beams it is night -- When she varies to the south the sun shines upon us in a more perpendicular direction -- the suns beams become more dence & the heat increases -- as she returns back the heat decreases in proportion as this part of earth looses its perpendicular direction to the sun & the cold [17] becomes more intence in the same proportion. -- This accounts for the various seasons of the year, appears correct and consistent & highly honorable to the divine perfections

[But behold the other system -- The Earth firmly fixed on a firm foundation -- perhaps as some on a giants back who stands on a prodigious Rock -- Its surfice widely extended nearly horizontal -- [& its cut down] [S32] & its sides cut down strait or perpendicular to the very bottom below which is a bottomless abiss Pray Mr. Philosopher what man was ever there and looked down? & what prevents the Ocean, unless it is damd with earth & rocks from pouring down & loosing itself in this horrible abiss? But how extensive is this teraque-surface? Indeed I am of opinion, if this sistem is true I am nearly at one end of it. But the hipothises is too absurd & inconsistent. The earth must be of a sperical form & a westerly course will lead us to the land of our nativity -- Perhaps this is a part of the eastern Continent, or perhaps only a narrow strip of the Ocean intervenes? On no other principle can we account for the emigration of the ancestors of those innumerable hords of human beings that possess this continent -- Their tradition is that their ancestors came form the west -- & they agree in their information that at the distance of fifteen days journey in a westerly direction, there are nations vastly more numerous, powerful & civilized than themselves.]

[S33] The earth therefore must be a globe and a westerly course will lead us to the land of our nativity. On what principle can we account for the emigration of the ancestors of these innumerable hords of human beings that possess this Continent? Their tradition tells them that they emigrated from the westward -- From this I draw the conclusion -- that the sea if any, which intervenes between the two Continents at the westward is not so extensive, but that it may be safely navigated. [I have also learnt from some of the] we are also informed by some of the natives, that at the distance of there is a great River which runs in a [south] westerly [18] about fifteen days journey in a northwesterly course direction. [they cannot tell how far] -- & that along the banks of this river there are great towns & mighty kings & a people who live in a state of civilization -- From all these considerations I am determined to remove -- pursue a westerly course & seek the delightful country of my ancestors. -- Immediately I communicated my determination & the reasons on which it was founded to our little Society, who joyfully acquiesed -- It was tho’t to be the most prudential to find out the disposition & character of the inhabitants, who were [S34] settled along the great River lest we should fall into the hands of Robbers -- For this purpose my man crito & myself & a Delawan for an interpreter set off. We passed thro’ a a country interspersed with vilages, inhabited by the same kind of people as the Delawans until we came to a great mountain. Having passed over this we had not traveled far before we came to the confluence of two great Rivers which in conjunction produced a river which was called Owaho deep enough, for the navigation of Ships. -- Here was a large town or city inhabited by a distinct race of people from any we had seen before. We were immediately conducted to the King & were received very graciously -- & having asked a number of very pertinent questions & received answers to his satisfaction -- I then made known to him our business & had all my requests granted -- As we proposed to move into his territory he offered to furnish us for our convenience with four Mammoons & four men to manage them. These were an annimal of prodigious magnitude, even biger than the eliphant, which the natives had tamed & domesticated -- They were very segacious & docile & were employed in carying burthens and in drawing timber -- [& in ploughing their land] -- Their hair at the spring season was abaut seven inches in length [S35] & was of a fine wooly consistence -- & being sheared off at the proper season was manufactured into course Cloth -- and the milk of the females, which they produced in [19] abundance, afforded a very wholsome nutriment. Having thus succeeded beyond our expectation we made as much expidition to return as possible -- We arrived in safety without any material accidents -- The Little Society I had left were greatly rejoised on our returne -- & highly pleased with the account we gave of the country we had visited -- & at the sight of those [extraordinary & prodigious animals] mammoons which we had bro’t to convey our baggage. -- No time was lost to make preparation for the journey -- The Captain, Mate & myself went to the King & held a conference with him & the chiefs & obtained leave to depart, tho with apparent regret & reluctance. [S36] Sacks were provided from Course Cloth to receive the most valuable part of our goods & furniture -- These were thrown across three of the Mammoons -- The other was caparisoned, in a manner too tedious to discribe for the accomidation of our women & children -- They were all mounted upon him & road with great convenience & safety. [Being thus prepared & ready] Thus having resided among the Delivans two years -- & being prepared to take our departure The King and his chiefs & many of his principal subjects came forward to take an affectionate farewell. This was done on both sides, with mutual expressions of the most ardent and sincere Friendship & the most earnest wishes and prayers for future prosperity and happiness [S37] Having taken our final adieu I observed honest Crito sheding tears very plentifully -- You seem to be affected said I -- God bless your honour said, he, when I think how kind & generous these poor Delawans have been to us I cannot help feeling an affection & friendship for them -- We were obliged to anchor amongst them -- we were strangers -- & helpless and they were ignorant Savages -- yet they held out the hand of kindness & treated us as brothers & sisters. -- Have they not fulfilled the law of Christian charity -- O that they were good Christians -- may God forgive their ignorance & unbeleife -- and reward them for their kindness & gerosity. We passed on -- No obsticles impeded [20] our journey until we came to the great River Suscowah -- which runs between the Deliwah River and the great [S38] mountain -- The water being too deep for fording, we built a small boat and with this, at several times we conveyed the whole of the baggage & Company across, except the manager of the Mammoons, who mounted them & swam them across -- We then proceeded on by slow marches, -- but in crossing the great mountain we had some difficulties to encounter [but hower met with received no material damage] -- but finally arived safely at the great city Owhahon on the twenty fifth day after our departure from the Deliwan.

Fatigued with a long and difficult journey, great joy and gladness were visible in every Countenance, and all were disposed to establish our residence here until further information could be obtained & further measures concerted to prosecute our journey to Europe [S39] The King and his principal officers proffered us every assistance necessary to make our situation agreeable. They assigned us in [conformity to our wishes] compliance with our request, a number of houses on the bank of the river at a little distance from the City -- We made him some valuable presents in return, which he received as a token of friendship but not as a compensation -- For such was the high sence of honour which this prince sustained, that when he made a present, he would take it as an insult to offer him any thing as a compensation.

[The 1910 edition omits this sentence: Having now once more become setled our little community continued the same regulations which they had established at Deliwan -- & all things proceeded in peace & our affairs prospered.]



A discription of the Ohons, [& manner of procuring a living.]

I am now to discribe a [species of] nation who have but little resemblance to those [innumerable tribes of] Savages, who live along the coasts of the Atlantic -- Their complexion, the form and construction of their bodies, their customs manners, Laws, government & religion [21] all demonstrate that they must have originated from some other nation & have but a very distant affinity with their Savage neighbours. -- As to their persons, they were taller on an average than I had ever seen in any nation -- their bones wer large, limbs strait & shoulders broad -- Their eyes rather small & sunck deep in the head Their forheads were prominant -- & the face below tapering in such a manner that the chin was formed nearly to a point. [S41] As to their complexion, it was bording on an olive tho of a lighter shade -- Their eyes were generally of a dark brown or black Their hair of the same colour, tho I have sometimes seen persons, whose hair was of a redish hue. --

They cloathed themselves in cloth which was manufactured [among themselves] from the hair of Mammoons & from Cotton which was transported from the South west westward. The men wore shoes and long stockings, -- wide trousses -- a waistcoat & a garment with wide short sleaves which came down to their nees & in cold weather a Cloak over the whole The covering for the head was generaly a kind of a Cap which ran up high and tapered to a point -- This was generally made of fur skins & was ornimented with feathers. It had a small brim in the shape of an half moon to project over the forehead --

[S42] The women beside a stockings & shoes wore a short petecoat a shirt of cotton a loose garment with sleaves which they girted round them with belts -- & a cloak -- They had various orniments such as ribbons made from cotton & coulored with different coulars -- the most beautiful feathers that could be obtained and shels of various kinds -- Indeed the higher class of women were extreemly fond of ornament -- & placed a large share of their happiness in the bliancy & gaudy appearance of their garments. The people obtained their living generally by the cultivation of the land -- & [the manage] by tending and managing certain animals which had been so long domesticated that they have lost their wild nature & become tame [22]

Corn, wheat, beans squashes & carrots they raised in great abundance -- The ground was plowed [S43] by horses & generally made very mellow for the reception of the seed. --

It was the occupation of a certain part of the men to tend upon the tame animals to drive them to pasture & keep them from straying and feed them when the snow was on the ground. -- Two men would tend twenty Mammouth, which were indifferent whether they fed on grass or cropt the bushes -- when these animals were fat, their flesh was highly esteemed -- They had droves of Elk, which they had so tamed and tutored that they could manage them as they pleased -- and they would follow them like a flock of sheep -- & it was but seldom that any would leave their companions. -- The elk constituted a considerable part of their animal food -- The horses were managed in the same way -- & the people tho’t their meat to be a savory dish.

[S44] They had large numbers of turkeys and gees -- which tho originally wild yet by treating them with great familiarity by croping their wings and feeding them frequently they discovered no disposition to ramble off but propagated their species & laid eggs in abundance. --

Hunting & fishing were the employments of some -- others followed mechanical business -- others carried on a bartering trade to the southwestward -- in order to furnish the people with cotton & other articles whose production was not conginial to the their climate. By pursuing these various employments they generally had a plenty of provisons at all seasons & were comfortably cloathed. -- And here I would remark as one striking characteristic of this people -- that they observed great neatness in their dress -- in their cookery and in their houses.

[S45] The manufacturing of Iron & lead was understood but was not carried on to that extent & perfection as in Europe. A small quantity of Iron in proportion to the number of inhabitants served to supply them with all [23] the impliments which custom had made necessary for their use -- By hamering & hardening their Iron they would convert it nearly into the consistence of steal & fit it for the purpose of edge tools.

The potery Business was conducted with great inginuity, & great quanitites of stone and earthan ware consisting of [every kind] of vessels of every construction which were needed for family use, were manufactured in every part of this extensive country. These vessels [S46] they ornimented with [pictures with] the likenesses of various kinds of animals & trees & impressed upon them such coulors as would strike the fancy with delight. -- The females of the [higher Class] most wealthy class would often have a large and superfluous quantity of this brittle furniture to decorate one apartment of the house -- The vessels they arranged in such order as to make a display of taste and impress the mind with the agreeable sensation of beauty. --

In architecture there can be no comparison with the civilized nations of Europe -- In their most welthy & popolous Cities their houses and public buildings, exhibit no eligance -- no appearans of wealth & grandure -- all is plain -- & [S47] nothing superfluous -- but convenience appears to be the whole object they had in view in the construction of their buildings of every kind.

Their houses were generally but one story high -- built of wood, being framed & covered with split clapboards or shingles & in the inside the walls were formed of clay, which was plastered over with a thin coat of lime -- Their houses seldom consisted of more than three apartments As to their chimnies, they construt a wall of stone about five feet hight [for the fire to be] against which they build their fire -- from the top of this wall they construct their chimney with thin pieces of split timber on the inside [with wet dirt or clay] of which they plaister wet, dirt or clay -- which compleatly covers & adheres to the timber & prevents the [S48] fire form having any operation upon it. The inside of their houses, as the [24] women generally practiss neetness makes a much better appearance than the outside.

It is my opinion, says Trojanus that this people display a taste in building which is formed upon the true principles of Reason -- Their houses are sufficiently spacious for convenience No expence or labour are thrown away in building useless apartments -- or in the erecting their houses higher than what convenience requires -- The whole catalogue of ornimental trumpery is neglected -- This in Room produces more than half the labor & expence in buildings -- [Yes says Lucian & without this, these laboring people must starve for the want of employment, & the citizens of the Roman empire would be deprived of the honour [S49] of possessing a splendid Capital & of the exquisite pleasure of beholding the greatest exhibition of human inginuity in the eligance, [the] splendore [the] simitry & beauty of their houses, [their,] palices & public edifices -- True indeed, replies Trojanus, men may be dazled & delighted with such objects for a moment -- But could not wealth be better bestowed [upon] to promote the intrest of the community & for charitable purposes -- & these artists better employ their strength & inginuity in producing some substantial benefits to themselves & others. -- Rejoins Lucian, the course reason dictates is to avoid extremes. -- A slab coloured world would tire the sences by its uniformity & too much orniment & splendor would cease to please by its frequency.] -- Besides -- lofty houses can more easily be overthrown by tornadoes or tumbled [S50] down upon our heads by earthquakes. -- The course says Lucian, that reason dictates is to avoid extremes. A slab coloured, [would] by its uniformity would tire the sences -- & by its possessing too much orninent & splendor it would cease to please. [25]


Discription of the Learning [Religion & customs of the Ohons]

Learning appears to be so consonant to the nature of man & [a good] convenent share of it so easy to obtain, that some may wonder why it is not universally defused thro the world:* [But] If we can place any reliance on the dark annals of antient history, it is a certain fact that Letters are indebted for their existence to the inventive genius of certain extraordinary characters -- Egypt & Chaldea contended for the honour [S51] of being the first+ who invented letters -- Perhaps they were invented in each nation nearly at the same time -- [But] let this be as it may -- could no other other nation in the world produce as great geniuses as Egypt or Chaldea? Is there any natural obsticle to prevent their production in America as well as in Asia? Whatever may be the reasonings of some on this subject, the fact is, that I found [Letters or] some share of learning, tho’ in a very imperfect state, among this people -- At present I shall wave the account of its introduction & shall merely discribe the state of learning as it existed among the Ohons They had characters which represent words -- & all compound words had each part represented by its apropriate character. The variation of cases moods & tenses was designated by certain marks placed under the character. They generally wrote on parchment -- & beginning at the right wrote from the top to the botton, placing [S52] each character directly under the preceding one -- & having finished one colum or line they [begin the] wrote the next on the left of that & so continue on until they cover the parchment if the subject require it. in a work

*But the wonder would cease when it is considered that mankind with but few execptions to walk in the tracts of their fathers & pursue the road marked out by their education.

+Tho the most probable conjecture is that they were communicated from one nation to the other.

[26] of considerable Labour & time to obtain such a knowledge of their characters & and the application as to be able to read with fluency & to write with ease & accuracy --

In their principal Cities & towns the Government appoint learned men to instruct the sons of the higher class of citizens & in the course of four or five years they will make such proficiency as to become tolerable schollars.

The works of the learned are not very voluminous. Records are kept of the transactions of their government. Their constitution & laws are committed to writing -- [A sacred Roll in in manuscript is preserved among the Records [S53] of their Emperors & kings] & are dispersed thro the impire -- & much pains is taken to defuse the knowledge of them among the people -- In all their large towns & cities they have deposited under the care of a priest a sacred Roll, which contains the tenets of their Theology & a discription of their religious cerimonies. This order of men publish comments upon these sacred writings -- they publish some tracks on moral philosophy -- & some containing a collection of proverbs & the wise sayings of their sages. --

But the kind of composition in which they most excel is poetry -- In poetic numbers they describe the great events, which take place -- & the exploits and mighty atcheivments of their heroes -- In soft eligies they paint the amours of Lovers & in pathetic strains they delineate the calamimities & sorrows of the unfortunate. In their assemblies it is very common for a certain class of the Learned to entertain the company with a repetiton [S54] of poetic peices describing the battle and exploits of their warriors -- Or to sing some amarous or witty ballad -- As for Theators they have none -- but as a kind of substitute -- there are actors, who entertain the people by pronounsing dialogues or plays, in which they display all the arts of mimicry -- & [act out the] express in their countenance their gesture & the tone of their voices different [27] passions of the human mind As only a small proportion of the people are instructed in the arts of reading & writing, of consequen the great mass, must possess a large share of ignorance -- but not so great a share as savages who have no learning among them -- They head the conversation & the letures of their sages -- [They are entertained with] Their poetic orators entertain them with the productions of their poets, containing the history of great events & mighty atcheivments -- Their actors devert and please them by exciting the various passions -- [at the same time communicating instruction & correcting the natural savageness [S55] of maners by.] & as the peices they reherse contain many ideas & sentiments tending to expose the deformity of vice, the folly of superstition & the disgustfulness of rude & clownish manners, the people of consequence are improved & considerably refined -- add to this their living in compact towns or cities in which there is a constant and reciprocal communication of ideas -- which of course would have no small effect to inform their minds -- To all these causes combined the [Ohons] the great mass of the people are indebted for possessing a considerable share of knowledge and civilization.


In every nation there is some kind of Relion. & in every religion, however adulterated & corrupted there are some things which are commendable -- some things which serve to improve the morals -- & influence mankind to conduct better than what they would do, provided they pursued the natural dictates of their depraved minds, [without any restraint] As this sentiment is an established maxim, which has been believed in every nation from the earliest ages [of time [S56] in every nation.] hence it has been the policy of all [28] governments to encourage & protect some kind of Religion and precepts In examining the religious sentiments which are believed and practised thro’out this extensive empire & which are encouraged & protected by the government. -- I found some things which are common to the various sistems of Theology in Europe & Asia & some things which have no resemblance to either. From the sacred Roll as it is denominated I shall extract the tenets of their Theology & a description of their religious cerimonies. It expresses them to this effect. “There is an intelligent omnipotent Being, who is self existant & infinitely good & benevolent -- Matter eternally existed -- He put forth his hand & formed it into such bodies as he pleased -- He presides over the universe & has a perfect knowledge of all things -- From his own spiritual substance he formed seven sons -- These are his principal agents to manage the affairs of his empire -- He formed the bodies of men from matter Into each body he infused a particle of his own spiritual substance, in consequence of which man in his first formation was inclined to benevolence & goodness. There is also another great inteligent [S57] Being who is self existent & possessed of great power but not of Omnipotence -- He is filled with infinite malice against the good Being & exerts all his subtlety & pow to ruin his works -- Seeing the happy situation of man he approached so near as to touch his soul with his deliterious hand -- The poison was immediately defused & contaminated his passions & appetites -- His reason and understanding received no injury -- The good being looking upon his unhappy ofspring with infinite love and compassion made a decree that if mankind would reduce their passions & appetites under the government of reason he should enjoy blessings in this world & be compleatly happy after his soul quits his body. Death desolves the connection -- Etherial Bodies are prepared for the souls of the righteous -- These bodies can pass thro’ any part of the universe & are invisable to mortal eyes. Their place of residence is on a vast plain which [29] is beautified with magnificent Buildings -- with Trees, fruits & flowers. [Here they enjoy every delight which] No immagination can paint the delights, the felicity of the Righteous. But the wicked are denied etherial bodies -- Their souls naked and incapable of seeing light, dwel in darkness & are tormented with the keenest anguish -- Ages roll away & the good being has compassion upon [S58] them -- He permits them to take possession of etherial bodies and they arise quick to the abodes of delight & glory: Now O man attend to thy duty & thou shalt escape the portion of the wicked & enjoy the delights of the righteous Avoid all acts of cruelty to man and beast* defraud not thy neighbour, nor suffer thy hands secretly to convey his property from him -- Preserve thy body from the contamination of lust -- & remember the seduction of thy neighbors wife would be a great Crime -- [Let thy citizens be numbered once in two years -- & if the young women, who are fit for marriage are more numerous than the young men -- then wealthy men, who are young & who have but one wife, shall have the priviledge, [with the permission of the King] to marry another until the numbers of the single young men & the single young women are made equal But he that hath two wives shall have a house provided for each -- & he shall spend his time equally with each one] -- Be grateful for all favours & forsake not thy friend in adversity. Treat with kindness & reverence thy Parents -- Forsake them not in old age, nor let their cheeks be furrowed with tears for the want of bread. -- Bow down thy head before the aged, treat thy superiors [S59] with respect -- & place thy rulers & thy teachers in the most honorable seats. Let rulers consult the welfare of the people and not agrandige themselves by oppression & base bribes -- Let Religious Teachers walk in the Road which leads to celestial happiness & lead the people after them -- Let Parents restrain the vices of their children & instruct

*No crime is so horrid as maliciously to destroy the life of man.

[30] their minds in useful knowledge -- Contention and strife is the Bane of Families & the destruction of domestic happiness -- being yoked together the husband and wife ought to draw in the same direction -- their countenances will then [appear beautiful] shine with the effulgent Beams of Friendship & love -- peace & harmony will attend their habitation & their affairs will prosper.

Hold out the hand of kindness and friendship to thy neighbour -- consider him when reduced to indigence & distress -- he is as dear to the great and good being as what thou art [& now thou hast an opportunity to manifest the disposition of thy heart] To afford him relief will be pleasing to thy maker & an expression of thy gratituge Envious & malicious souls are almost incurably contaminated with that hellish poison which first disordered the soul of man -- [S60] partake not of their guilt by joining them in the malignant work of slander & detraction. Their intended mischief returns upon their own heads & the slandered character of the innocent & just shines forth with increasing lusture. Let the stranger find a[n hospitable] resting place under thy Roof -- give him to eat from thy portion, that when he departs he may bless thee & go on his way rejoicing. --

Say not to thyself I will indulge in inactivity & idleness & lie upon the bed of sloth & slumber away the precious moments of time -- for in this thou art unwise -- for disease will attend thee, hunger will torment thee -- & Rags will be thy clothing -- Let industry & econemy fill up the measure of thy waking moments, so shall thy countenance display health and sprightliness plenty shall supply the wants of thy family & thy reputation shall be respectable.

[But I behold a being in human form, from whom I turn away with disgust and abhorrance He is covered with so much dirt & filth, that no etherial body is provided for him nor can he be received into the abodes of the blessed.]

[S61] Suffer not thy bodies or thy garments to remain bismered with dirt & filth -- Cleanliness prevents many [31] deceases & is pleasant to the sight But from a dirty filthy mortal we turn with disgust & abhorrance As the great author of our existence is benevolent to all his offspring so it becomes us to be benevolent to our fellow beings around us -- Our country is one Body & we are part of its members -- We are therefore bound to maintain the rights & priviledges & the honour and dignity of our country at the Risk of our lives -- Great rewards attend the Brave -- & their expploits & atchivements in contending against tyrants & in defending the Rights of their country will be celebrated on the plains of story. --

[S62] But the vision now expands & directs our comtemplation to fix on his attributes, whose spiritual substance is commensurate with infinity -- As only a single particle from his substance constitutes our souls, how small, how diminitive must we appear in the view of Onnicience -- We must therefore contemplate his attributes thro the medium of his works -- & admire with profound reverance & adoration his wisdom goodness and power which are visible in the formation & arrangement of all materiall bodies & spiritual beings. He requires us to suplicate his favours -- & when received to express our gratitude -- As our passions & appetites often get the assendence of reason -- we are [S63] therefore bound to confess our faults & implore forgiveness --

Now that you know & keep all these things which were made known by divine inspiration, it is ordained that on every eighth day ye lay asside all unnecessary labour -- that ye meet in covenient numbers & form assemblies That in each assembly a learned holy man shall preside, who shall lead your devotion, & explain this sacred Roll & give you such instruction as shall promote your happiness in this life & in the life to come Once in three months -- ye shall hold a great festival in every city & towns & your priests shall sacrifiice an Elk as a token that your sins deserve punishment -- but that the divine mercy has banished them into shades of forgetfulness. [32] Be attentive O man to the words of truth which have been recorded [S64] & pay respect to all the commandments which have been written for your observance -- Your maker will then be pleased to see you rejoice in the participation of his favours & to behold your faces brighten with the benign beams of cheerfulness. --


Among the great & illustrious characters who have appeared in the world in different ages as instructors & reformers of mankind Baska is entitled to a conspicuous place -- The place of his nativity is not recorded. But the first notice which is given of him is -- his appearance at the great city of Tolanga, which is situate on the Banks of the Siota River. He was attended by his wife & two little sons. The fashion of their garments were different from the natives -- Their complexion likewise was a little whiter -- Baska was grave solemn and sedate -- reserved in his conversation -- but when he spoke wisdom proceded from his lips -- & all were astonished at his eloquence -- His fame spread [S65] rapidly thro, city & country -- & he was celibrated as a man of the most briliant & extraordinary Talents. -- He was conducted to the King & introduced to him -- The King asked him from what country he came -- His reply was at a great distance from the westward He then asked him induced him to come into his country -- He replied


Perhaps Reader before we describe the government of the Ohons it might be proper to relax our minds with a few sceches of Biography -- The character which will best connect with the history of the learning, rereligion & government of the Ohons is that of the great & illustrious Lobaska -- He is the man, who first introduced [33] their present method of writing, who first presented them the sacred Roll which contains the tenets & precepts of their religion -- & who formed their political Constitution as it respects the connection of various kingdoms or tribes under one government [S66] There are many anecdotes, which tradition has handed down respecting this extraordinary man which have the complexion of [the miraculous & hence I conclude they must be fabulous] fables -- [Such as] as for instance he is represented as forming a curious machine & having seated himself upon it he mounted into the atmosphere & assended a great hieght -- & having sailed a considerable distance thro the air he decended slowly & received no damage -- that multitudes of astonished spectators had, a number of times seen him perform this miraculous exploit -- & that he declared that when he took these excurtions his extraordinary wisdom & knowledge was communicated to him -- If he did in fact perform such exploits no wonder that he managed an ignorant people as he pleased -- But as it is not my intention to amuse my readers by a splendid relation of fables I shall confine myself to facts which cannot be contested -- The place of his nativity is not recorded -- The first account given of him was his appearance in the great city of Tolanga which is situate on the Banks of the Siota River. When he entered that city he was attended by his wife & four sons, the [S67] eldest of which was about eighteen years of age -- He himself appeared to be about forty. His personal appearance was commanding, being of midling stature -- of a bold frank countenance & eyes livly and penetrating, In his general deportment he was chearful, yet displayed much sedateness & gravity. -- He was affable and familliar in conversation but not loquacious -- He never would converse long on trifling subjects -- had a wonderfull facility to intermix some wise sayings & remarks [that should improve] & of turning with dignity & gracefulness the attention of the company to subjects that were important & interesting -- None could [34] then withstand the energy of his reasoning -- & all were astonished at the inginuety of his arguments & the great knowledge & wisdom which he displayed -- His fame spread thro the city and country & multitudes frequently assembled & importuned him to give them instruction -- Always cheerful to gratify the curiosity & comply with reasonable requests of the multitude he entertained them by conversing with them familiarly -- & by exhibiting public Discourses -- All were charmed with his wisdom & eloquence -- & all united in pronouncing him to be the [S68] most extraordinary man in existence & generally believed that he held conversation with celestial beings -- & always acted under the influence of divine inspiration. -- The people were very liberal in their donations, which enabled him to support his family in affluence -- Having thus in a short time established a character superior with respect to wisdom & eloquence to any man who had ever appeared before him in the nation, he then, at an interview which he held with the King & the chiefs, told them that he had invented the art of expressing ideas by certain marks or characters -- & having explained the nature of the subject to their full satisfaction he then proposed to establish a school for the instruction of the sons of the principal subjects of the King. -- The proposal was received & accepted with much gratitud & cheerfulness -- A house was immediately prepared for the accommidation of schollars & in a short time the numbers amounted to near two hundred. -- But here it must be observed that the art of making & applying the characters to the words which they represented -- was taught principally by his sons -- they had all received an education from their father -- & even the youngest, who was but about eleven years old could read and write with great correctness & facility -- He superintended their instruction & very frequently gave them lectures on scientiffic & [S69] moral subjects -- his scollars made great progress in learning -- & delighted their parents with the improvements [35] they had made in literature civilization & refinement. -- He still continued to associate among the people & was indefatigable in his labours to dispel their ignorance, correct their superstition & vices to excite their industry & to defuse a more accurate knowledge of the mechanical arts -- The manufacture of Iron in particular was not known: this he taught a number by showing them how to build a small furnace & to cast iron ware -- & then how to build a small forge & refine pigs and convert them into Iron -- He had resided among the Sciotans about three years & the happy effects of his Labors were visible to all observs -- A great reformation had taken place in the morals & manners of the people -- industry had encreased -- agriculture & the mechanical arts had received great [S70] improvement -- & houses were built on a more commodious & eligant construction -- But not willing to stop here the benevolent mind of the great Lobaska midetated a more important revolution -- now the propicious era had arived & the way was prepared for the introduction of that system of Theology which is comprised in the Sacred Roll -- In the first place he read & explained the whole system to the king & the cheifs of the nation, who cordially gave it their approbation & gave permission to propogate it among the people -- Under a pretence that this system was revealed to him in several interviews which he had been permitted to have with the second son of the great & good Being -- the people did not long hisitate, but received as sacred & divine truth every word which he taught them They forsook their old religion which was a confused [& absurd] medley of Idoletry & supersticious nonsence & embraced a religion more sublime & consistent -- & more fraught with sentiments [S71] which would promote the happiness of mankind in this world.

Whilst the Siotans were thus rapidly progressing in their improvements they were unhappily disturbed by the certain prospect of war. Bombal the king of the Kentucks -- a nation which lived on the south side of the [36] great River Ohio, had taken great umbrage against Hadokam the King of Siota -- This Bombal was the most haughty & powerful prince, who reigned in this part of the western Continent -- It had been the custom for several ages for the king & chiefs of the Kentucks to have the exclusive right to wear, in their Caps a bunch of blue feathers, which designated their pre-eminance over every nation -- The Siotan princes envying them this distinguished [S72] honor & considering themselves as being at least their equals assumed the liberty to place bunches of Blue feathers upon their Caps. -- This in the opinion of the Kentucks, was an unpardonable offence, if persisted in, & a most daring insult upon their super-eminent dignity -- [A messenger was immedi.] After a solemn council was held with his chiefs, Bombal, with their unanimous consent dispached a messenger to Hadoram -- who thus proclaimed -- Thus saith Bombal the king of kings & the most mighty prince on earth -- ye have insulted our honour & dignity in assuming blue feathers, which was the badge of our preeminence -- know ye that unless ye tear them from your Caps, ye shall feel the weight of of our [S73] vengence. Hadoram replied, tell your Master that a great company of Wolves made an attack upon a city to rob the citizens of their dear & elk. & they let forth their dogs upon them, which attacked them with such fury & courage, that they fled, mangled, & torn, to a most dreary swamp -- here by the most plaintive howling, they lamented their sad disaster & disgrace.

An answer so shrewd & insulting, it was expected would soon be followed by an invasion. Measures must immediately be taken for the defence of the kingdom -- Lobaska was invited to set in Council -- all were unanimously of opinion that to comply with the haughty demand of Bombal, by tearing the blue feathers from their caps would be degrading the honour of the nation and a relinquishment of their natural right -- they were likewise sensible that the most vigorous exertions were [37] necessary to save the country from ruin. The opinion and advice of Lobaska, was requested, It is my opinion says he, that by using a little stratigem this war might be bro’t to a conclusion [S74] which will be honourable to this kingdom. We will pursue, says the King, your advice & directions. I shall be happy, says Lobaska to assist you with my best advice -- Call immediately into the field an army of Three thousand men -- provide two thousand shovels, five hundred mathooks, & one thousand wheelbarrows -- & one hundred axes; I will give directions how to make them -- Not a moment was lost, the army was assembled and impliments provided with the utmost expidition -- & they marched down the river to a certain place where the army of the enimy must pass, in order to arrive at the City of Tolanga At this place the hill or mountain came within less than a mile of the River & flat or level Land intervened -- Here Lobaska directed that a Canal should be dug from the River [to the River,] to the Hill -- That it should be eight feet wide & eight deep & that the dirt which they dug should be thrown into the River -- [that the canal] except what should be wanting to lay over thin pieces of split timber, which should be extended across the Canal & so weak and slender that the weight of a man would break them down. This novel invention was soon carried into effect -- & the work completely finished -- Every [S75] precaution was used to prevent, any inteligence of these transactions from geting to the enimy. -- In the meantime Hadokam bro’t into the field seven thousand and more of his warriors, men of brave hearts and valiant for the Battle -- The indignant King of the Kentucks by this time had assembled an army of thirty thousand men who were ready at the risk of their lives to vindicate the pre-eminance of their nation and the transcendent dignity of their king & his chiefs -- [Had of this] At the head of this army Bombal began his march to execut his threatned vengance on the Siotans -- As he entered their country he found the viliges deserted & all the movable property [38] conveyed away -- Not a man, [or wom] to be seen until he came in view of the army of Hadokam, who was encamped within a small distance of the Canal. -- Bombal halted and formed his men in two Ranks extending from the river to the hill -- He had a reserved core, who were placed in the rear of the main body -- Having thus arranged them for battle, he went from one wing to the other -- proclaiming aloud, we have been insulted, brave soldiers, by these cowardly Siotans -- They [S76] have assumed the blue Feather, the badge of our preeminance & exalted dignity -- Behold it flying in their Caps -- will your high born souls submit to behold such Dastards place themselves on equal ground with you -- No my valiant warriors, let us reveng the insult by the destruction of their puny army & the conflagration of their City -- Make a furious charge upon them -- & the victory is ours -- Let your motto be the blue Feather & you will fight like wolvs robed of their puppies. Hadoram had by this time formed his army in order of Battle close to the edge of the Canal & extended them only in one rank from the River to the Hill -- As the Kentucks approached within a small distance, the Sciotans gave back & began a retreat with apparent confusion, notwithstanding the pretended exertions of the King & his officers to prevent their retreating -- Bombal observing this commanded to rush forward on the full run but to keep their Ranks in order -- This they instantly obeyed as one man & as soon [S77] their feet stept on the slender covering of the canal it gave way & they fell to the bottom, some in one position and some in another -- A disaster so novel & unexpected must have appalled the stoutest heart & filled their minds with amasement & terror. -- Nor did this complete the misfortune of the army of Bombal -- an ambush of of the Sciotans, who lay on the side of the hill opposite to the reserved Corps of the Kentucks, rushed down upon them in an instant -- Surprise & terror prevented resistance -- they threw down their arms & surrendered -- The retreating army of Hadoram immediately returned [39] with shouting to the edge of the Canal -- Their enimies, who but a moment before, tho’t themselves invincible & certain of victory were now defenceless & wholly in their power -- Lobaska was present & saw the success of his stratigem his great soul disdianed revenge on an [S78] helpless & prostrate Enimy -- he conjured the Siotans not to shed one drop of Blood -- but to be generaous & merciful -- Bombal had now recovered from his surprise & seeing the deplorable situation of his army, his haughty soul felt the keenest anguish -- Where says he is the King of the Siotans? Here I am says Hadoram -- what is your request my Brother? Reduced says he by a Stratagim the most ingenious & artful, to a situation which subjects us wholly under your power, & in which you can take ample revenge -- I now emplore your generosity & compassion for my army -- Spare their lives -- & then name your terms & if I can comply with them, without degrading the honor of my Crown, it shall be done. Your request says Hadoram is granted -- Surrender your arms & let your army return in peace -- As for your majesty, & the chiefs of your nation, who are present, you will give us the pleasure of your company in our return to the city of Tolanga, & there we will excute a treaty of peace & amity that shall be advantageous & honourable to both nations. -- These terms were accepted [S79] & the Kentucks returned in peace to their own country, not to describe exploit, & bloody victories, but the curious Stratigim of Lobaska -- The two Kings & their splendid Retinue of princes, having arived at Tolanga -- [every attention was paid by Hodaram and his chiefs to their honorable visitors.] Hodaram made a sumptuous entertainment at which all were present -- The next day both parties met for the purpose of agreeing to terms of peace & perpetual amity -- What are your terms says Bombal -- Lobaska says Hodaram shall be our Arbitrator -- He shall name the terms -- his wisdom will dictate nothing which will be dishonerable to either party. Your proposal, syas Bombal is generous Lobaska shall be our [40] Arbitrator -- Lobaska then rose -- Attend says he, to my words ye princes of Siota & Kentuck. You have all derived your existence from the great father of Spirits -- You are his children & belong to his great family -- Why then have you thirsted for each others Blood for the Blood of Brethren -- & [what has] [S80] what has produced this mighty war -- A blue feather, a badge of preeminence. It is pride, it is cursed ambition & avarice which devastate the world & produce rivers of human Blood -- & the wars which take place among nations generally originate from as trifling causes as the blue feathers.

Let this be [the first article of] your treaty that any person may wear a blue feather in his Cap -- or any other feather that he pleases. -- [Let this be second,] that the individuals of each nation may carry on a commerce with each other -- & that they shall be protected in their persons and property. [Let this be the third,] that I shall be at liberty to establish [a school or] schools in any part of the domains of Kentuck & furnish them [such] instructors [as I please] -- That none shall be restrained from hearing our instructions -- & that we shall be patronized & protected by the King & his chiefs -- [Let this be the fourth] -- that perpetual peace & amity shall remain between both nations -- [S81] And as a pledge for the fulfilment of these articles, on the part of the princes of Kentuck -- that the eldest son of the King & four sons of the principal Chiefs shall be left as hostiges in this City for [the term of] Term of three years. These terms met the cordial approbation of both parties & were ratified in the most solemn manner --

Thus happy, was the termination of the war, about the blue feather, [having taken place] Lobaska proceeded with indefatigable industry & perseverance in his benevolent scheme of enlightening & reforming mankind. --

And how happy would it be for mankind, if all wars about as trifling causes as this, might terminate in the same way The benevolent mind of Lobaska soared [41] above trifles -- viewing all mankind as brothers & sisters he wished the happiness of all. -- Hence he made provision in the Treaty with the Kentucks for the introduction of Scools [in Kentuck] among them This was the first step, which [S82] he foresaw would introduce improvements in agriculture & the mechanical arts -- produce a reformation in their morals & religious principals & a happy revolution in some part of their political institutions.

Bombal had become so captivated with Lobaska that he solicited him to bear him company to his own dominions -- He consented & when he had arrived at the royal City of Gamba, which is situate on the River Kentuck -- he there pursued the same course which he had done at Tolanga & his success answered his most sanguine expectations: The people were now prepared for the introduction of a school -- He returned back [to Tolanga] & sent his second son & three of the most forward scollars of the Sciotans to establish a school at Gamba [In the mean time his intention was to make some amendments in the government of Sciota. But as there were several Cities and a great number of viliges, that acknowledged the jurisdiction of the Sciotan King, which still were ignorant of the [S83] principles & doctrines which he taught -- he found it necessary to visit them & to introduce instructors amongst them. In this work he was engaged about two years -- & the happy effect of his labours were now visible in various kinds of improvements & in the reformation of manners, morals & religion. The way was now prepared to introduce his system of government -- The chiefs of the nation were invited to attend a grand council at Tolanga -- When they were met -- Lobaska rose -- & presented them with the following constitution of government --

[The king of Siota shall be stiled the Emperor of Ohson & the King of Siota -- His crown shall be hereditary in the oldest male hier of his family -- The cities & vilages who now acknowledged his jurisdiction or who may hereafter do it shall be entitled to protection from the emperor -- If [42] invaded by an enimy he shall defend them with the force of the empire -- once every year the chiefs shall meet at Tolanga to make laws for the good of the nation.--]

[S84] These young men having imbibed the spirit & principles of the great preceptor, spared no exertions to instruct the scholars & to defuse useful knowledge among the people -- The happy effects of their labors were visible in a short time. The people embraced the religion of Lobaska & became more industrious & civilized. In their various improvements in agriculture, the mechanical arts and literature they even exsaled the Sciotans & appeared to be as prosperous & flourishing -- Even Bombal himself declared that the termination of the war about the blue feather -- which at first appeared unfortunate yet as it occationed such happy effects among his people it gave him more satisfaction & pleasure than [the reputation of being a great Conqueror] what he could have received from the reputation of being a great conqueror.

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