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Here a leaf (pages 143 & 144) of the Mansucript is missing. Page 145 proceeds as follows:
[S145] & heroic Commanders, had each a chosen band of warriors, who were ordered as soon as the battle should begin, to march between the divisions, & charge the enimy, [in order to break their order & throw them into confusion] -- The design of this arrangement was to break the Ranks and throw them into confusion. The command of these bands were given to Elseon, Labanko, Hanock, and two counsellors of the Emperor Hamul & Taboon. -- The momentous period had arived -- Each grand army were now ready -- were anxious for the combat, & sanguine in their expectations of obtaining a glorious victory. -- Musicians with instruments of various kinds, were now playing thro’ every division [90] of both armies -- They blowed horns, pipes & a kind of Trumpet -- & beat with sticks on little tubs whose heads were formed of parchment. -- The melody was truly martial & calculated to inspire warriors with an ardent desire for battle & the most daring heroism -- All was husht -- The musicians fell back in the rear -- Their was perfect silence thro’ both armies. -- Each Emperor with their swords brandishing were in front & facing their respective armies. Near three hundred thousand spears were glittering with the reflection of sun beams -- Not a cloud to be seen in east -- The sun shone with his usial brightness -- In the west a dark cloud began to arise & distant thunder was heard to rumble. -- Rambock proclaimed with a voice which was heard from the right to the left -- March -- march, my brave warriors -- & fight like [S146] heroes. -- Hamboon saw them beginning to move -- but not changing his countenance which was placid & bold -- he proclaimed -- Stand firm, my brave sons -- Let your arrows fly thick against your enimies as they advance -- & finish with your spears & your swords their destruction. -- The musick again played & both armies gave a tremendous shout -- [Spears & swords] When the Sciotans had advanced, with a firm and moderate step, within a small distance of Hamboons army, both armies discharged arrows with such unerring aim & celerity, that many brave warriors on both sides fell prostrate -- others were sorely wounded & retired back in the rear -- Their places were immediately supplied & the second Rank colosed & took their stations in the fight -- Each man fixing his spear horizontaly & about as high as his breast, the Sciotans rushed forward with hedious yels & horrible shouting & made a most tremendous, & furious charge upon the Kentucks -- They received them with firmness & courage -- Spears met spears -- many were bent and broken -- & others were thrust, on both sides into bodies of Heroes, whose blood gushing forth, they fell with horrid groans, pale and lifeless on the sanguine plain. Neither army gave back but being nearly equal [91] as to strength & numbers they poured forth upon each other with a lavish hand the implements of death & destruction. --
[S147] Determined to conquer or die, it was impossible to conjecture which Emperor would have gained the victory had the divisions or bands in the rear of each army remained inactive. But anxious to engage with the boldest warriors, the Kentuck-Bands, led on by their heroic princes, rushed between the division of the grand army & made a most furious charge upon the Sciotans -- They broke thro’ their Ranks -- peircing with deadly wounds their indignant foes -- heroes fell before them -- & many of the Sciotans being struck with surprise & terror began to retire back -- But the bands in the rear of their army instantly rushed forward & met their furious combitants -- The battle was now spread in every direction. Many valiant chiefs who commanded under their respective Kings were overthrown -- & many [word omitted: thousand] robost & brave warriors, whose names were not distinguished by office, were compeled to receive deadly wounds & to bite the dust. -- It was Elseon fortune to attack the division led by the valiant Ramoff -- He broke his ranks & killed many warriors -- while driving them furiously before him -- he met Hamkol at the head of many thousand Sciotans -- Hamkol beheld the young Prince & knew him & being fired with the greatest rage & thirst for revenge, he urged on the combat with the most daring violence [S148] Now he thot, was a favorable chance to gain immortal renown -- Elseon says he shall feel the effects of my conquering sword -- The warriors on both sides charged each other with incredible fury -- & Elseon & Hamkol met in the center of their divisions -- I have found you says Hamkol perfiduous monster -- I will teach you to rob our empire of its most valuable treasure -- He spoke & Elseon replied -- Art thou Hamkol the Counsellor of Rambock Your advice has poduced this blood & slaughter -- Hamkol raised his sword & had not Elseon defended himself from the blow, he never would have spoken again -- [92] But quick as the lightning Elseon darted his sword thro’ his heart -- [Hamkol] knashed his teeth together & [with a groan] tumbling headlong with a groan expired. --
The battle raged -- Labanko attacked the division of Sambal -- His conquering sword had killed two daring chiefs -- & his Band performed the most brilliant exploits -- Sambol met him & like an indignant panther, he sprang upon him, & while Labanko was engaged in combat with another chief, Sambol thrust his sword into his side -- Thus Labanko fell lamented & beloved by the subjects of the empire of Kentuck -- [Hanock] His learning wisdom & penetration of mind -- his integrity, firmness & courage had gained him universal respect & given him a commanding influence over the Emperor and his other Councellors -- He was viewed with such respect & reverence, that the death of no man could have proproduced more grief and lamentation -- & excited in the minds of the Kentucks a more ardent thirst for revenge. -- The officers of his phalanx exclaimed revenge the death of Labanko -- Even lightning could not have produced a more instantaneous effect. -- With tenfold [S149] rage and fury his warriors maintained the conflict & redubled their efforts in spreading death & carnage -- The mighty Sambol trembled at the slaughter of his [subjects] warriors and began to dispair of victory -- [he began to] fearing that his intended revenge was turning upon his own head. -- During this slaughter of Sambols forces Hanock was engaged in battle with Habelon King of Chianga -- No part of the war raged with more a equal balance -- Warriors met warriors with such equal strength and courage that it was impossible to determine on which side was the greatest slaughter -- even their heroic chiefs prudently avoided a combat with each other and emploid their swords in overthrowing those of less distinction, the field was covered with the bodies of heroes, besmeared with blood, which was spread thick on every side. -- In the mean time Hamul and Taboon who led on the other reserved bands of the Kentucks were fiercely engaged [93] in spreading the war thro’ the ranks of the Sciotans -- Hamul compelled the division commanded by Sabamah to fall back -- but still they fought, as they slowly retreated -- & being reinforced by a body of troops in their rear they continued the conflict & maintained their position -- The slaughter was emence & each party boasted of the most brilliant atchievments. --
Taboon made his attack on the division of Ulipoon commanded by Hamelick -- The Sciotan ranks were broken & they must have fled in confusion had not Rameck supported them with this warlike band -- The contest now became [bloody] furious -- & equal feats of valour were displaied by contending heroes. The thirsty earth was overspread with the dead & dying bodies of thousands & saciated its thirsts by copious draughts of human blood -- Hamelick himself was slain -- But not, until after his sword was crimsoned with the blood of his enimies.
The dubious war appeared at last determined -- Hambock beheld his army giving ground on every part -- He rode [S150] through their divisions & endeavored to inspire them with persevering courage -- But in vain they could not withstand the impetuosity, the numbers and strength of their Enemies -- aided by the advantage they had obtained by the arangement [they had made] to manage the conflict -- The Sciotans began to retreat -- & such was the situation of both armies that [they] the Sciotans must [have] principally have been overthrow & destroyed if the Kentucks had been permited to continue the havock & slaughter they had begun. But how often are the most sanguine expectations disappointed by the decrees of Heaven? -- At this awful period -- whilst the atmosphere was replete with the multifarious sounds of the clashing of swords & spears -- the melody of [the] martial musick -- the shouts of the conquerors & the shrieks & groans of the dying, even then the heavens were overspread with clouds of the most sable hue, which had blown from the west -- The thunders roared [94] tremendously -- & the flashes of hightning were incessant. The wind began to blow from the west with great violence -- the hail poured down from the clouds & was carried with great velocity full in the faces of the Kentucks -- They were unable to see their enimy or continue the pursuit. -- Rambock & his princes [word omitted: immediately] ralied their retreating forces, & facing round encouraged them to fight courageously since the great & good Being had miraculously interposed in their behalf. The Kentuck army were unable to continue the conflict. -- They were obliged in their turn, to retreat. But such was the violence of the storm that the Sciotans could not take any great advantage of the confusion of their armies -- They however pursued them to the hill which had been in the rear of the Kentucks -- overthrowing & killing some in the pursuit. -- But as the hill was overspread with trees which broke the violence of the wind, Hamboon commanded his men to face their pursuers -- The Sciotans finding that their enimies had the advantage of the ground [& being intolerably fatigued with a battle which had lasted near four hours,] retired a small distance back -- & as soon as the storm abated they marched beyond the ground which [S151] was strewed thick with the slain. -- [Thus ended the great battle on the plains of Geheno.] -- There they encamped -- and as the storm had now subsided both armies proceeded to make provision to refresh themselves, being nearly exhausted by the fatigues of a most bloody contest which had lasted nearly five hours. That day afforded them no time to bury their dead -- The Sun did not tarry in his course but hid himself below the Horizon & darkness spread itself over the face of the earth -- The warriors with their spears in their hands extended themselves upon the earth, & spent the night in rest and sleep -- Next morning they arose with renovated vigor. Their tho’ts were immediately turned to the sanguine field -- Many warriors say they lie there, pierced with mortal wounds & covered with blood -- Their spirits have assumed etheriel bodies & they are now [95] receiving the rewards assigned to the brave on the plains of glory -- but they demand of us that we should secure their remains from the voracious jaws of carniverous Beasts, by interring them in the earth. But how can this be done unless both armies will mutually agree to lay down their arms during the interment of the remains of their respective warriors. Hamboon dispached a Messenger to Rambock, who agreed to an armistice for the term of two days & that ten thousand men might be employed from each army in burying the dead. --
It was indeed a meloncolly day. -- The contest was not desided -- Neither army had gained a victory or had reason to boast of any superior advantages obtained or any heroic atcheivments, which were not matched by contending warriors. An emence slaughter was made. Near one hundred thousand were extended breathless [S152] on the field -- This was only the beginning of the war -- & what must be its dreadful calamities if it should continue to rage -- if a few more battles should be faught & the infuriated Conqueror should turn his vengful sword, against defencless women & children & mingle their blood with the blood of heroes, who had fallen bravely fighting in their defence. When both armies viewed the emence slaughter that had been made of their respective friends -- instead of cooling their ardor for the war, it only served to encrease their malice & their thirst for revenge. --
[Ten thousand men from each army, without arms, marched to the field were the battle was faught -- & having selected the dead bodies of their respective warriors -- they carried [them] as many of them together as what could be done with convenience -- & then digging into the ground about three feet deep & throwing the dirt around in a circular form upon the edge of the grave -- they then deposited the bodies in it, covering the ground over which they had dug with the bodies -- & then placing others upon them until the whole were deposited -- they then proceeded to thro’ dirt upon them to raise over them a high mound -- In this [96] manner they proceeded until they had finished the interment. The bodies of the Chiefs that were slain, were carried to their respective armies -- & performing many customary sollemnities of woe, they were intered & prodigious mounds of earth were raised over them. -- After the funeral rites were finished & the armistice had expired, the hostile Emperors must now determine on their further plans of operations]
[S153] The field was widely strewed, & in many places thickly covered with human bodies -- extended in various positions -- on their sides their backs and faces -- [some with their arms & legs widely spread some with their mouths open & eyes stairing] -- mangled with swords spears & arrows & besmeared with blood and dirt -- Most hedious forms & dreadful to behold! Such objects exicted horror & all the sympethetic & compassionate feelings of the human heart. --
As both Emperors had agreed to the suspension of arms for the purpose of burying the Remains of those [of the] heroic warriors ten thousand men from each army entered the field & began the mournful employment -- They dug holes about three feet deep & in a circular form & about twenty or thirty feet diameter. In these they deposited the bodies of their deceased heroes & then raised over them large mounds of earth -- The bodies of the chiefs who had fallen were carried to their respective armies & buried, with all the sollemnities of woe -- over them they raised prodigious mounds of earth -- which will remain for ages, as monuments to commemorate the valiant feats of these heroes of the great Battle of Geheno. -- After the funeral Rites were finished -- & the armistice had expired, the hostile Emperors must determine on further plans of operation
Rambock requested the advice of his principal officers, who were unanimous in opinion, that it was their best policy to retire back [to retire back] to the hill which was opposite to the place where they landed -- & their wait for reinforcements. This they effected the [97] next night without being perceived by their Enimy. -- Hamboon on the next day marched towards them -- but not thinking it good policy to attack them at the present, took possession of a hill in plain view of the sciotans & there encamped with his whole army.
As the Sciotans sallied out in parties to plunder & to ravage the country, these were pursud, overtaken or met by parties of the Kentucks -- Many bloody skirmishes ensued with various success & many feats of heroism were displaied on both sides. Wherever the Sciotans marched devastation attended their steps -- & all classes of [S154] people without distinction of age or sex, who fell into their hands became the victims of their infuriated malice -- The extermination of the Kentucks appeared to be their object, not considering that it might soon be their turn to have such horrid cruelties retaliated upon them with a three-fold vengence. They likewise had a further object in view, which was to provoke Hamboon to attack the main army, while posted in an advantageous situation. -- But it was Hamboon’s policy by placing garrison in different stations & by patroling parties to prevent the Sciotans from plundering & destroying his town & from geting provisons from his country -- & in this way to compel them to cross the River or to attack his army in the position he had taken. While the two Emperors were thus manoevering -- & seeking by various arts & stratigems to gain advantage over each other. a very extraordinary [instance of heroism & the display of the most sincere & ardent friendship transpired which is worthy a place on the historic page.] -- instance transpired of heroism and friendship -- In the dominions of Hamboon there lived two young men who were bred in the same vilage -- Having minds formed for the exercise of the noblest principles & possessed of congenial tempers they early contracted the greatest intimacy, & formed toward each other the strongest attachment. -- They joined the standard of Hamboon & in the great battle of Geheno they faught side by side & performed exploits [98] equally bold and heroic. -- They eat at the same board & drank of the same cup -- & in all their excursions they attended each other & walked hand in hand. -- As these two friends were seting in their tent one evening -- Thelford who was the oldest says to Hamkien something whispers me; that this night we can perform a most brilliant exploit -- The Sciotans have held a great festival & until midnight they will be emploied in music & dancing & in various diversions -- Being greatly fatigued, when they lie down to rest, their sleep wll be sound -- We may then enter their camp [by slyly geting round their by their centinel] unperceived & make a most dreadful slaughter. -- Your plan, replied Hamkien, is excellent, it is worthy the character of an hero. -- I will join you -- & will either triumph with you in the success of the enterprise or perish in the attempt. Perhaps we may atcheive a glorious deliverance to our country, by destroying our cruel enimies. [S155] They both taking their swords and tomehauks repaired towards the camp of the Sciotans in order to reconoiter & find where they could enter & not be perceived by the centinals -- The Moon shone bright but would set about three O clock in the Morning -- this was the time they had fixed upon to begin the massacre of their enimies -- At length all became silent -- the Moon disappeared & these young heroes had accomplished their plan in geting into the camp of the Sciotans unperceived. They found them lying in a profound sleep -- for the fatigues of the day & the revels of the night had bro’t weariness upon them -- & considering, when they lay down that the vigelence of their guards would secure them from surprise, they slept with unusial soundness -- but their vigelence could not prevent an unspected destruction. The Tomehauks and swords of these daring youth, soon caused hundreds to sleep in eternal slumbers -- & so anxious were they to finish the destruction of their enimies, that the day began to dawn before they had cleared themselves from their camp [of their enimies] -- Scarce however had [99] they past the last centinal, & the alarm was given -- The Sciotans beheld a most terrible slaughter. of their warriors & being fired with indignation sallied forth in parties in every direction -- Kelsock & Hamkoo had nearly gained the encampment of the Kentucks & Haboon with a party of Sciotans had overtaken Hamko -- Kelsock was so far in advance, that he was now safe from all danger -- but turning his eyes round he heheld Hakoon seize his friend, who was attempting to defend himself against the party -- Kelsock turned instantly, and running furiously back cried, Spare O spare the youth, he is innocent -- I alone contrived the slaughter of the Sciotans -- too much love to his friend induced him to join me in the enterprise -- Here is my bosom -- here take your revenge -- Scarce had he spoken & Haboon plunged his sword into the Heart of Hamko. -- The young hero fell -- & with a groan expired -- Kelsock instantly rushed upon Haboon & darted his sword thro’ his heart -- prostrate he tumbled at the feet of Hamkoo -- but Kelsock could not long survive -- a spear pierced him in the side -- he cast his eyes on the lifeless Body of his friend and fell upon [his lifeless body] it -- he embraced it & never breathed again -- Ah heroic youths. -- in friendship ye lived -- & in life & death you were joined. --
[S156] Forty days had now expired since the two armies had taken their different positions -- Each received large reinforcements which supplied the places of the slain. Experience had taught them to use stratigem instead of attacking under great disadvantages, & yet to remain long in their present situation could not possibly terminate the war successfully on the part of the Sciotans -- Rambock considering the obsticles, which attended the prosicution of every plan, at last, by the advice of Sambal & Ulipoon, determined on a most rash & desparate enterprise -- an enterprise which would in a measure saciate their revenge, provided that it should even produce the annihilation of their army. -- As soon as darkness had overspread the earth at night -- Rambock marched his [100] whole army towards the City of Gamba -- & such was the stillness of their movements that they were not perceived -- nor was it known by Hamboon that they had marched until the morning light. -- As soon as the Kentucks perceived that the Sciotans had abandoned the place of their encampment & found the direction they had gone, they immediately pursued them with with the utmost expediton. -- But too late to prevent the intended slaughter & devastation. The Sciotans without delaying their march by attacking any forts in their way, merely entered the vilages, killing the inhabitants who had not made their escape & burning their houses -- They arived before the City of Gamba -- Great indeed was the surprise, the consternation & terror of the Citizens -- Many fled to the fort -- A band of about three thousand resolute warriors sceized their arms, determined to risk their lives in the defence of the City. The leader of this band was Lamock the eldest son of Labanko -- He inherited the virtues of his excellent Father, and even thirsted to avenge his death by sacrificing to his manes the blood of his cruel enimies. He posted his warriors in a narrow passage which led to the City. -- The Sciotan Emperor immediately formed his plan of attack. -- A large host selected from all the grand divisions of his army marched [S157] against them -- They were commanded by Moonrod -- He led them against this gallant & desparate band of Kentucks, & made a most furious & violent charge upon them. But they were resisted with a boldness, which will forever do honour to their emmortal valour. -- Many hundreds of their Enimies they pierced with their deadly weapons & caused heaps of them to lie prostrate in the narrow passage. -- Such prodigious havock was made on the Sciotans by this small band of valiant Citizens, who were driven to desperation & whose only object was to sell their lives dear to their enimies, that even Moonrod began to despair of forcing his march into the City, thro’ this narrow passage -- Being informed by a treacherous Kentuck of another passage, he immediately [101] dispatched a party of about four thousand from his band to enter the City thro’ that passage & to fall upon the rear of the Kentucks. -- This plan succeeded -- These heroes now found the war to rage both in front & rear & part facing their new assailants they attacked them [new assailants] with incredible fury -- What could they do? resistance was now in vain. They could no longer maintain the bloody contest against such a mighty host. Lamock then commanded the survivors of his little Band to break thro’ the ranks of his last assailants & to retreat, [to the fort.] It was impossible to withstand the violence of their charge -- they broke thro’ the ranks of their enimies & made a passage over the bodies of heroes, thro’ which they retreated & marched to the fort -- About seven hundred with their valiant leader thus made their escape, [and arived save in the fort] -- The remainder of the three thousand sold their lives in defence of their friends & their country -- This Battle checked the progress of the enimy which prevented an emence slaughter of citizens -- as the greatest part by this means the opportunity to gain the fort.
[S158] As soon as all resistance was over come & had subsided, the Sciotans lost no time -- but marched into the City and commenced a general plunder of all articles which could conveniently transported. Ulipoon, tho careful not to expose his person to the deadly weapons of an enimy -- was however very industrious in this part of the war -- None discovered so much engagedness as himself to grasp the most valuable property in the city. -- But expecting the Kentuck army to arive soon they must accomplish their mischief with the utmost expedition -- The City they sat on fire in various places -- & then retired back and encamped near the fort, intending on the next day, unless prevented by the arrival of Hamboon with his army, to storm the fort & massacre the whole multitude of citizens which were there collected. -- Behold the conflagration of the City, -- the flames [102] in curls assend towards heaven -- & as the darkness of the Night had now commenced -- this added to the horror of the scene -- The illumination spread far & wide & distant vilages beheld the redning light assend -- as a certain pioneir of their own conflagration, should the war continue to rage. But mark the sorrow & lamentation of the poor Citizens now incircled by the walls of a fort -- Happy that they had escaped the intended massacre of a barberous unrelenting Enimy -- but indignant & sorrowful at beholding the ruins of all their property. -- & & even filled with the greatest anxiety lest Hamboon should not arive in season to prevent the storming of the fort. -- But their anxiety soon vanished. When the shades of evening began to overspread the earth, Hamboon & his army had arrived within five miles of the City. They beheld the flames beginning to assend. The idea was instantly realized that an indiscrimate slaughter had taken place. -- [What were the destracted outcries of the dwellers of the City. -- Fathers & mothers -- Brothers & sisters, wives & children.] [S159] In addition to the distruction of all their property, they now had a reallizing anticipation of the massacre of the dearest friends & relation. Such was their anxiety to precipitate their march that it was scarcely in the power of their commander to retard their steps, so as to prevent them from breaking the order of their ranks. They made however the utmost expedition -- determined if they found their enimy to take ample vengence But when they arrived & found that the greatest part of the citizens were [word omitted: safe] in the fort this afforded no small aleviation to their anxiety & grief -- But their thirst for revenge & their ardent desire to engage the enimy in battle did not in the least abate.
Determined that the Sciotans should have no chance to improve the darkness of the ensuing night to make their escape -- every preparation was made to attack them the next morning. -- This was expected by the Sciotans, who were wishing for another opportunity to measure swords [103] with the Kentucks. & as soon as the morning light appeared they marched a small distance to a hill & [there] the army paraded in proper order for battle. -- Scarce had they finished their arangements when they beheld Hamboon’s Army marching towards them -- He halted within about half a mile of the Sciotans -- & sent out a small party to reconoiter & discover their situation -- In the mean time he ordered Hanock [his son] to march with twelve thousand men round the Sciotan Army & lie in ambush in their rear in order to surprise them with an attack after the battle should commence.
As the two armies were paraded in fair view of each other the expectation was that a most bloody engagement would take place immediately. -- The cowardly mind of Ulipoon was not a little terrified when he beheld the number & martial appearance of the Enimy -- But his inventive genius was not long at a loss for an expedient, which he immagined would extricate himself from all danger. -- He repairs to Hambock & addressed him to this effect. May it please [S160] your majesty. During the first battle it was my misfortune to be prevented by sickness from being at the head of my brave warriors & displying my valour. It is my wish now to perform feats of heroism which shall place me on equal ground with the most valiant princes of your empire. -- With your permission I will lead on my division & storm the fort of the Kentucks -- This will fill their warriors with consternation & terror -- You may then obtain an easy victory -- & destroy them with as much facility as you would so many porcupines. -- Besides by attacking the fort at this time when they are not expecting such a manoever -- the imperial family will be prevented from making their escape & I shall then be able to restore to your majesty your daughter Lamesa. -- The Emperor being pleased with the plan granted to Ulipoon his permission to carry it into effect. -- Ulipoon did not wait a moment -- But immediately returned back and commanded his forces, which consisted of about seventeen thousand to march -- He was [104] careful at the same time see that they carried with them all the plunder they had taken in the City of Gamba -- & particularly that portion which had been set apart for himself. -- But nothing was farther from the heart of Ulipoon than to fulfil his promise -- He had no intention to risk his person in the hazardous attempt to storm the fort -- but his determination was to march with the utmost expedition to his own dominions & to carry with him his rich plunder. -- Having marched towards the fort until they had got beyond the view of the Sciotan army -- he then ordered them to turn their course towards the great River -- to the place where the left their boats. -- [S161] In this direction they had not proceeded far when they were seen by a number of pioneirs, whom Hanock had sent forward to make discoveries. -- As his band were not far distant they soon gave him the inteligence -- He immediately dispach an express to Hamboon -- informing him that he should pursue them as their object probably was to ravage the country -- & recommending not to attack the Sciotans until further information from him. -- Hanocks devision were not discovered by Ulipoon -- & of consequence he proceeded in his march without suspecting any anoiance from the Enimy, happy in the reflection that he had greatly enriched himself by a prodigious mass of plunder, & not in the least troubled about his fellow warriors, whom he had deserted on the eve of a most hazardous engagement. -- Hanock pursued him, but was careful not to be discovered -- When the sun was nearly down Ulipoon halted & encamped. -- During the Night Hanock made his arangements -- he formed his men into four Divisions & surrounded the Enimy. Their orders were as soon as the morning light began to appear, to rush into Ulipoon’s encampment & to massecre his warriors without discremination. -- The fatal moment had arived, & punctual at the very instant of time the attack was began on every part. & such was the surprize & terror which it produced that the Sciotans were thrown into the utmost confusion & [105] it was impossible for their officers to form them into any order to make defence -- Every man at last attempted to make his escape -- but wherever they rushed forward in any direction they met the deadly spears of the Kentucks -- It is impossible to discribe the horror of the bloody [S162] scene [& even humanity recoils at beholding] Humanity -- sympathy & compassion must drop a tear at beholding the uproar & confusion, the distress & anguish, the blood & carnage of so many thousand brave warriors [who was great misfortune was to have a coward for their commander] -- who were reduced to their dreadful situation by the cowardise [& nigardly] & avaricious dispostion of their Commander. But only three thousand made their escape. As for Ulipoon he was mortally wounded & laid prostrate on the field -- After the slaughter was ended in passing over the [field of] the slain, Hanock beheld the illfated prince -- an object truely pitiable to behold -- In the agonies of death & wreathing under the most acute pain, he exclaimed. Alas my wretched situation -- It was avarice, cursed avarice which induced me to engage in this horrid war & now [my] the mischief and cruelties intended as the means to acquire wealth & agrandizement, are justly turned upon my own head -- He spoke & deeply groaning, he breathed no more The galant Hanock droped a tear -- & feeling no enmity towards the lifeless remains of those, who had been his enimies, he ordered three hundred men to [bury] remain on the ground & commit their bodies to the Dust -- This says he is the will of him whose compassion is infinite. He then directed Como his chief Captain to pursue the survivors of Ulipoon’s army & to destroy them if possible. -- With the remainder of his troops, he returned, back to carry into effect the order of Hamboon. Como overtook & killed about a thousand of the wretched fugitives -- the remainder escaped to their own land. -- except about fifty who fled to the army of Rambock -- & gave him the dreadful intelligence of Ulipoon’s distruction. --[106]
Great were the amazement and consternation of Rambock [S163] & his whole army. They now beheld their situation to be extremely critical & dangerous & saw the necessity of the most vigorous & heroic exertions. What says Rambock to his princes, is our wisest course to pursue? Sabamah, Rancoff & Nunapon advised him to retreat without losing a moment, for say they, we have taken ample revenge for the crime Elseon. -- To effect this we have thrown ourselves into the heart of their country -- have lost a large division of our army -- & are so weakened by our losses that we are in the utmost danger of being defeated & even anihilated. -- It must therefore be the height of folly & madness to prossecute the war any farther in this country. -- But Sambal & the other princes condemned this plan as pusilanimous & disgraceful & proposed to steal a march on the Kentucks & to storm their fort before they should be apprised of their designs. -- This last advice met the approbation of the Emperor. Nothing says he can save our army from destruction but the most daring atcheivements. That they might gain the fort without being perceived by the Kentucks. It was necessary that they should march some distance in the direction, where Hanock had emcamped, in order to co-operate with Hamboon, when he should commence the engagement -- When the night had far advanced Rambock’s forces were all in readiness & began their march for the fort. They proceeded about two miles -- & a small party in advance, discovered Hanocks warriors -- This discovery produced an alteration in Rambock’s plan -- He directed Sambal to proceed against the fort -- whilst he, as soon as the light should appear, would attack Hanock -- Sambal was highly pleased with this command -- as a victory would ensure him the capture of Lamesa -- & afford him an opportunity to obtain revenge. He arived at the fort just as the blushing morn began to appear. -- [Great indeed was the surprize which his arrival produced] -- [S164] On three sides he stationed small parties who were ordered to massacre [107] all the citizens who should attempt to make their escape -- With the main body of his army he made an assault upon the fort. -- Amazement & terror seized the minds of the whole multitude of citizens; [in the fort This enterprize of the Sciotans was unexpected -- as they were] were unprepared to defend the fort against such a formidable force. Lamock however placed himself at the head of about one thousand warriors & attempted to beat them back from the walls & prevent their making a breach. But it was imposible with his small band to withstand the strength of such a mighty army -- They broke down part of the palasadoes & entered the fort thro’ the break -- & immediately began the massacre of the defenceless multitude without regard to age or sex -- Sambal being anxious to find Lamesa rushed forward with a small band & surrounded a [small] block house -- He then broke down the door & entered -- Here he beheld all the Ladies of the imperial family & many other Ladies of distinction -- He instantly sprang towards Lamesa in order to seize her -- but was prevented by Heliza who steped between them & falling upon her knees implored him to spare the life of Lamesa -- Scarce had she spoken when the cruel monster buried his sword in her bosom & she fell lifeless before the eyes of her dearest friend -- Lamesa gave a scream, & looking fiercely on Sambal she exclaimed. Thou monster of [S165] vilany and cruelty, could nothing saciate your revenge but the death of my dear friend, -- the amiable, the innocent Heliza Here is my heart -- I am prepared for your next victim. Ah no, says Sambal, your life is safe from my sword. I shall conduct you to my palace & you shall be honored with me for your partner. Insult me not, says she, thou malicious bloody villain -- either kill me or begone from my sight -- my eyes can never indure the man who is guilty of such monstrous crimes. -- Set your heart at rest says he my dear Lamesa -- I will convince you that I am a better man than your beloved Elseon -- his head shall soon saciate my revenge & then you shall be the Queen of Sciota -- At [108] this Instant a loud voice was heard -- The Kentucks are marching with a prodigious army towards the fort. -- Sambal turning to his warriors present ordered them to guard the women in that house & not permit any of them to escape -- for says he I must go and destroy that army of Kentucks. Great already had been the slaughter which the Sciotans had made of the citizens in the fort -- Those who had attempted to escape thro’ a gate which was thrown open were met & massacred by the Sciotan warriors on the outside -- But their progress was arested by the appearance of Elseon at the head of thirty thousand warriors -- They had marched with the greatest speed -- for they were informed by an express that the Sciotans had invested the Fort. When Sambal beheld them he instantly concluded to draw his army out of the fort & try a battle with them in the open field. -- His orders were immediately spread thro’ every part of the fort where his men were employed in killing the [S166] defenceless, & in fighting Hemocks little band of desperate heroes [whom Hanock commanded]. The Sciotans were soon formed & marched out of the fort & paraded in proper order for battle. -- Elseon observing this, commanded his men to halt, & made his arangements to rush forward and commence the attack -- Having brandished his sword as a token for silence he thus spok. My brave warriors. “The glorious period has arrived for us to display our valor in the destruction of our enimies. -- What monstrous cruelties have they perpetrated -- Behold your City in ruins -- listen to the cries of your murdered friends whose innocent blood calls for vengence -- consider the situation of those who are surrounded by the walls of yonder fort -- How many thousands are massacred -- & how many must share their fate unless you fight like heroes -- By our valour we can effect their deliverance & rid our country from the most ferocious band of murderers that ever disgraced humanity -- [Their standard is that of the Sciotan King -- whose malice and vengeful disposition have produced this horrid war. Urged [109] on by his malignant passions he has [engaged] undertaken a most dangerous & mad enterprise -- He has thrown himself & his army into a most critical & dangerous situation] -- Fight as you did at the great Battle of Geheno & your enimies will be prostrate in the dust & your names shall be illustrious. Rush forward my brave warriors -- & let your motto be victory or death. Not a moment, when his warriors were stimulated for the Combat did Elseon tarry -- but marched with pricipitation prepared to make a most furious charge. Sambal was ready to meet him -- & marched forward with equal boldness & celerity. The charge was tremendous. Not the dashing against each other of two mighty ships, in a hurricane upon the [boisterous] ocean, could have been more terrible. Each warrior, fearless of danger, met his antagonist determined to destroy his life or loose his own in the contest -- [S167] The battle extended thro’ every part of both armies -- As warriors fell in the front ranks, their places were supplied from the rear -- & reserved Bands rushing between the divisions were met by others of equal strength & valour. -- Helicon the intimate friend of Elseon beheld Sambal -- who was encouraging his warriors to fight bravely, as no other alternative remained for them but victory or death. -- When Helicon beheld him his youthful mind felt the impulse of ambition -- he sprang towards Sambal & changeled him to the Combat. Sambal gave him no time to repeat the chalenge, but rushed upon him, with more fury than a tiger & with his sword he struck Helicon’s head from his body -- Thus fell the brave, the amiable youth whose thirst for glory impeled him to attempt an exploit too rash & daring -- Warriors fell on every side & the field was covered with dead & dying heroes -- A messenger ran & told Elseon of the fate of Helion who commanded the left wing of his army & that Sambal had broken their ranks & was making indisribable havock of his warriors -- What intelligence could have been more shocking? Elseon could not refrain from tears for a moment -- Ah Helicon says he, thou hast been [110] more dear to me than a brother -- Heaven demands that I should revenge thy cruel death. He instantly selected a small band & marched with the utmost speed to the left wing of his army -- He rallied his retreating warriors & engaged in the conflict with tenfold fury -- Soon he beheld the mighty Sambal, whose sword was crimsoned with the blood of his friend, and Sambal cast his eyes upon him & as he beheld him his malice instantly inkindled into such a furious flame, that [his reason fled for a moment &] he raved like a madman. -- Both heroes [S168] sprang towards each other -- Their warriors beheld them & being mutually inspired with the same sentiments the respective bands retired back & left the two indignant Champions in the space between. -- Ah exclaimed Sambal Robber & perfiduous scoundrel, after seducing the Emperor daughter who was my wife & transporting her from our dominions, have you the temerity to meet my conquering sword. This sword which has pierced Labano, & cut off the head of Helicon & which has destroyed hundreds more mighty than yourself -- shall be plunged into your cowardly heart -- & your head shall be carried in triumph into the city of Talanga -- & there it shall be preserved as a trophy of my superior strength & valour.
Vain Boaster -- says Elseon -- I rejoice to meet you. The Benevolent Being will now terminate your carere of bloody crimes -- This sword shall pierce your malignant heart & cut of that head, which has ploted the ruin of my country -- Sambal eager for revenge, could hear no more. He sprang forward & aimed a thrust of his sword at Elseon’s Heart but Elseon turned the point of his sword from him with his own -- & then darted his sword into his left arm which caused the blood to gush forth -- Sambal was now more indignant than ever -- & raising his sword he threw his whole strength into one mighty effort, with an intention to divide his body in twain. But Elseon. quick as the Lightning sprang back & Sambals sword struck the ground with a prodigious force which broke in the middle -- He himself had nearly tumbled [111] his whole length -- but recovering & beholding his defenceless situation, he ran a small distance, & seizing a stone sufficiently big for a common man to lift he threw it at Elseon -- It flew with great velocity & had not Elseon bowed his head his brains must have quited their habitation -- his Cap however was not so [S169] fortunate: haveng met the stone as he bowed it was carried some distance from him & lodged on the ground. Elseon regardless of his cap, ran swiftly upon Sambal. whose feet having sliped when he threw the stone had fallen upon his back & had not recovered -- Terror now seized his mind -- Spare. O spare my life says he & I will restore peace to Kentuck & you may enjoy Lamesa. -- No peace sais Elseon do I desire with a man, whose sword is red with the blood of my friends He spoke & plunged his sword into Sambals heart. --
The Sciotans beheld the heage body of their King pale & lifeless -- Consternation & terror seized their minds They fled in dismay & confusion -- Elseon pursued them with his warriors & overthrew & killed thousands in the pursuit -- About two thousand made good their escape & carried the doleful tidings of Sambals death & the emence slaughter of his army to their own Land. And indeed their escape was owing to the great anxiety of Elseon & his warriors to visit their friends in the fort & to ascertain the extent of the massacre that Sambal & his army had made. -- After pursuing the Sciotans about six miles Elseon & his army returned in great haste & entered the fort. -- Great, inexpressably great was the joy of the Citizens when they beheld them returning with the laurels of victory & when they were informed of the destruction of so many thousand of their enimies. -- But as great was their grief and lamentation, when they beheld & reflected on the vast number of citizens & of Elseon’s warriors, who had fallen by the sword of the Sciotans. No death produced such universal regret and sorrow as those of Helicon & Heliza. The one was the intimate friend of Elseon & [112] the other of Lamesa. -- They both possessed hearts which were [S170] formed for the most ardent friendship & love. -- Their acquaintance produced the most sincere attachment -- They exchanged vows of perpetual fidelity & love to each other -- & only waited for the termination of the war to fulfill their mutual engagement to unite their hands in wedlock -- But this pleasant anticipation of conjugal felicity was destroyed by the cruel sword of Sambal -- Naught availed the innocence & the amiable accomplishments of the fair Heliza? She must fall a victim to saciate the revenge of a barbarous Tyrant -- Had Helicon known when he attacked the savage monster that he had assassinated his beloved Heliza, it would have inspired him with the most ardent desire for revenge & added vigor to his arm & keeness to his sword. -- [Ah said] A Kentucky Bard represented the erial form of Heliza as ariving on the celestial plain -- & being told that she must wait a short time -- & Helicon would ascend to conduct her as his partner to a delightful Bower which was surrounded by the most beautiful flowers & delicious fruits -- & where the singing of musical birds would charm them with their melody. -- When Elseon had entered the fort, he found that Lamock with the survivors of his little band of warriors had made prisoners, of the Sciotans whom Sambal had left to guard the imperial Ladies -- & that these Sciotans had done them no injury nor even insulted them with words -- Says Elseon for this honourable treatment of my friends I will shew these enimies compassion -- Go says he to them, return in peace to your own land -- & tell your friends that Elseon will not hurt an Enimy, who has done him a favour.
The time of Elseon was precious -- He spent but a few moments with Lamesa, in which they exchanged mutual congratulations -- & expressions of the most tender [S171] & sincere affection. -- She conjured him to spare the life of her father & brother & not to expose his own life any farther than his honour & the interest of his country required. I shall cheerfully says he comply with every [113] request, which will promote your happiness. He embraced her & bid her adue. --
As the situation of Hamboon’s army might require his immediate return, he lost no time to regulate matters in the fort -- but leaving five thousand men to bury the dead, & defend the citizens, he marched with the remainder, which consisted of about twenty thousand, towards Hamboons encampment.
When Sambal marched his division against the fort it was Rambock’s intention to have attacked Hanock the next morning -- but perceiving that Hamboon had been apprised of his movement, & was then within a small distance ready to co operate with Hanocks division, Rambock altered his plan & determined to wait for the return of Sambal. As for Hamboon he concluded to wait until Elseon’s return. -- These determinations of the hostile Emperors, prevented, in this intervail of time, any engagement between the two grand armies. -- But when the fate of Sambal’s division was decided -- & Elseon had returned with the joyful news of his victory, the Kentucks were all anxious for an immediate Battle.
The end of Solomon’s Manuscript. Copied by L. L. Rice, 1884 and 1885.
But having evry reason to place the highest confidence in your friendship & prudence I have no reluctance in complying with your request in giving you my sentiments of the christian Religion -- & so far from considering the freedom you took in making the request, impertinence, I view it as a mark of your [high esteem for me] affectionate solicitude for my happiness. In giving you my sentiments of the christian religion you will perceive [that I am not tramelled with traditionary & vulgar prejudice] That I do not believe certain facts [& certain facts] & certain propositions to be true merely because that my ancestors believed them -- & because they are popular. -- In forming my creed I bring everything to the standard of reason -- [that intellectua] This is an uerring & sure guide in all matters of faith & practice. Having divested myself therefore of traditionary & vulgar prejudice & submitting to the guidance of reason it is impossible for me to have the same sentiments of the christian religion which its advocates consider as orthodoxy -- It is in my view a mass of contradictions & an heterrogeneous mixture of wisdom & folly -- nor can I find any clear & incontrovertable evidence of its being a revelation from an infinite benevolent & wise God. It is true that I never have had the leisure nor patience to read [the elaborate & learned productions of divines in its vindication] evry part of it with very critical attention or to study the metaphissical jargon of divines in its vindication -- It is enough for me to know that propositions which are in contradiction to each other cannot both be true & that doctrines & facts which represent the Supreme Being as a barbarous & cruel tyrant can never be dictated by infinite wisdom. Whatever the clergy say to the contrary can have no [116] effect in altering my sentiments. -- I know as well as they that two & two make four & that three angles of a triangle are equal to two right ones. -- But notwithstanding I disavow any belief in the divinity of the Bible & consider it a mere human production designed to enrich & agrandize its authors & to enable them to manage the multitude -- yet casting aside a considerable mass of rubbish & fanatical rant, I find that it contains a system of ethicks or morals which cannot be excelled on account of their tendency to ameliorate the condition of man, & to promote individual social & public happiness, & that in various instances it represents the Almighty as possessing attributes worthy his trancendent character. Having a view therefore to those parts of the Bible which are truly good & excellent I sometimes speak of it in terms of high commendation -- & indeed I am inclined to believe that notwithstanding the mischiefs & miseries miseries which have been produced by the bigoted zeal of fanaticks & interested priests yet that such evils are more than counterbalanced in a christian land, by the benefits which result to the great mass of the people by their believing that the bible is of divine origin & that it contains a revelation from God. -- Such being my view of the subject I suffer my candle to remain under to remain under, nor make no exertions to dissipate their happy delusions. As